Waste management

Cards (11)

  • Biodiversity
    The variety of all of the different species of organisms on earth or in an ecosystem
  • Biodiversity is important as it makes ecosystems more stable
  • Over the last 100 years the population of humans has increased massively and the average standard of living has also increased
  • Humans are using more of the earth's resources than ever before and are producing more wastes
  • Water pollution from human waste
    1. Sewage containing urine and feces released into waterways
    2. Fertilizers from farms polluting rivers and streams
    3. Toxic chemicals from factories released into rivers
  • Sewage and fertilizers in rivers and streams
    Causes dissolved oxygen levels to fall, killing aquatic organisms
  • Air pollution from human activities
    1. Burning coal in power stations releasing acidic gases causing acid rain
    2. Burning releasing smoke
  • Air pollution
    Kills plants and animals, reducing biodiversity
  • Land pollution from human waste
    1. Millions of tons of waste dumped in landfills destroying habitats
    2. Toxic chemicals leaching out of landfills polluting soil
    3. Toxic chemicals dumped directly onto land
  • Waste from human activities
    Reducing biodiversity
  • It is extremely important that we carefully handle our waste materials and dispose of them without harming the environment