Maintaining biodiversity

Cards (9)

  • Biodiversity
    The variety of all the different species of organisms on Earth
  • A rich biodiversity is important as it helps to make ecosystems more stable
  • Reducing the negative effects of humans on biodiversity
    1. Using breeding programs for endangered species
    2. Protecting and regenerating habitats
    3. Maintaining biodiversity on farms
    4. Reducing deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions by governments
    5. Recycling waste materials by individuals
  • Endangered species in breeding programs
    • Sumatran tiger
  • Breeding programs for endangered species

    • Zoos lend their endangered species to other zoos to breed and increase the population
  • Habitats
    • Destruction of habitats can reduce biodiversity
    • Wetlands have high biodiversity but many have been drained
    • Protecting and regenerating habitats is important for preserving biodiversity
  • Biodiversity on farms
    • Farms with large fields of one crop have very low biodiversity
    • Leaving field margins and planting hedgerows helps preserve biodiversity on farms
  • Government actions
    • Establishing national parks to protect habitats like the Amazon rainforest
    • Reducing carbon dioxide emissions by increasing use of renewable energy
  • Individual actions
    • Recycling waste materials instead of dumping in landfills which destroys habitats