Border Collie - exaggeration of eye-stalk-chase component
Anatolian shepherds - inhibition of the full predatory sequence
Working dogs - behaviour traits
Human-guided (point) object choice tasks
Working dogs - behaviour problems calcification
Learning related problems
Physical or intellectual problems - detected normally during the selection stage
Performance problems - normally detected in dogs already performing specific tasks
Disruptive problems - disrupt the performance of a desired behaviour
Husbandry problems - generalized overactivity intense and persistent enough to interfere with the dog life
Working dogs' behaviour problems are different to classification systems used for pet dogs
Some behaviours seen in working dogs are not present in pets
Working dogs' behaviour problems are viewed in the context of their employment
Working dogs - behaviour therapy/modification
Decision whether to diagnose and treat a behavioral problem based on the needs of the program to produce and maintain enough animals capable of successfully performing the critical tasks
Working dogs - drug therapy
Medication may have direct adverse effects on the physical performance of a required behavior
Blunt sensory abilities
Undesirable effects on learning, memory, and performance