
Cards (22)

  • rocks- solid Naturally occurring made up of minerals or mineral like matter.
    -made up of two or more minerals, nor crystals
  • (3) major categories of rocks
    1. igneous rocks
    2. sedimentary rocks
    3. metamorphic rocks
  • igneous rocks- Comes from molten material. comes from the cooling and solidification of molten rock called magma.
  • (2) types of igneous rocks
    • extrusive igneous rocks
    • intrusive igneous rocks
  • intrusive igneous rocks- "inside" or under the earth surface. When igneous rocks form below the surface of the Earth. -have larger grain crystals
  • extrusive igneous rocks- comes out as lava. they form on the surface. -fine grained crystal
    • aphanitic- (fine grained) microscopic
    • phaneritic- (course grained) without microscope
  • (2) types of igneous rocks
    1. plutonic igneous rocks- if the magma solidifies at depth >granite
    2. volcanic igneous rocks- the magma may rise and come out of a volcano. >basalt
  • sedimentary rocks- Rock that has formed through the deposition and solidification of sediment, especially sediment transported by water, ice and wind.
  • stratified rocks- sediments deposited layers or strata.
  • sediment- all types of rock continuously being broken down into small fragments.
  • compaction- pieces of sediment are squeezed together by the weight of overlying layers
  • cementation- occurs when mineral are deposited in a bed of sediment, form crystals that glue the sediment.
  • (3) classification of sedimentary rocks
    • detrital sedimentary rocks
    • chemical sedimentary rocks
    • organic sedimentary rocks
  • detrital rocks- composed of solid sediment grains
  • chemical sedimentary rocks- formed when water dissolved mineral evaporates. >limestone
  • biological or organic sedimentary rocks -rocks made up of once living things.
  • metamorphic rocks -formed when existing when minerals in an existing rock are changed by heat of pressure. -result from the alteration of pre existing rocks in response to the changing environmental conditions.
  • protolith- The original rock or “parent rock”
    1. FOLIATED METAMORHIC ROCKS- shows a layer or banded appearance due to the parallel alignment of elongated or platy minerals. -line up in parallel bands.
    2. NON FOLIATED METAMORPHIC ROCKS- usually develop in environments where deformation is minimal and other factors, such as chemically-active fluids, play a larger part in altering the rock.
  • rock cycle- series of prosses that create and transform the types of rocks in earth's crust.
  • IGNEOUS ROCKS> (weathering, erosion) > [sediments] > (compaction, cementation) > SEDIMENTARY ROCKS > (high temperature, high pressure, chemical reaction) >
    METAMORPHIC ROCKS > (melting) > [magma] > (cooling, solidification) > igneous rocks