Cards (4)

  • Xylem -> transport water and dissolved mineral up the plant tp the leaves
    Phloem -> translocate sucrose around the plant to respiring cells
  • Xylem
    • Made of dead cells whcih are located on the inner section of the stem
    • no cytoplasm and no nucleus
    • No end wall so the top and bottom cell walls have disintegrated to create a long tube
    • Their cells haven been thickened with hard rings of lignin which provide support
  • Phloem
    • Made out of living cells which are located on the outer section of the plant
    • Phloem -> translocate sucrose
    • little cytoplasm and no nucleus so there is more space to translocate sucrose
    • Phloem vessels have sieve plates in between one cell and the next to allow translocation of sucrose
  • Companion cell
    -> Adaptation is it has lots of mitocondria. Mitocondria is the site of respiration and they release energy
    Companion cell:
    -> actively pump sucrose into sieve cells
    -> This increases the pressure in sieve cells causing the bulk movement of sucrose up and down a plant