Logical/ Augustine's soul-deciding theodicy

Cards (5)

  • Augustine
    God made the world perfect with variety - Genesis 1:31
    • Principle of Plenitude: Diversity in the world makes it more perfect - range of creatures

    privatio boni

    Fall of Angels and humans - misuse of free will - natural and moral evil - OG sin

    Evil is not attributed to God but the free will of humans
    • a perfect world must have free will

    Everyone is guilty for OG sin - loins of Adam - seminally
    • original sin= inherited - natural tendency to sin

    natural evil = punishment for the Fall
    • all suffering = deserved consequence of sin
    • loss of order of nature - balance lost
  • Augustine
    God's grace
    • God sent Jesus to die so that SOME may be saved and go to heaven - limited election
    • John 3:16 - sacrifice of Jesus
    • Matthew 7:13-14 - the gate that leads to heaven is narrow
  • Strengths of Augustine's theodicy
    This theodicy's main strength is that it never suggests that God tolerates evil or wants to have a world with evil in it - God has nothing to do with it - therefore humans' misuse of free will is responsible

    Christian Scientists - religious group, founded by Mary Baker Eddy - agree with the idea of the non-reality of evil
    • evil = illusion - eg pain, cruelty
    HOWEVER, this is not a satisfactory explanation because even if evil is an illusion, it is real enough and has real symptoms - eg the death of terminally ill people
  • Weaknesses Augustine's theodicy 

    • it is impossible to find cause/motivation for angels to sin unless they were created imperfectly
    • evil can't have come out of nowhere unless God first made it
    • if it did come out of nowhere then it raises serious issues for the notion of God's omniscience and omnipotence
    • why did God create the world knowing we would use our free will to sin - is this wise?
    • even if our choice to sin is wholly ours, he knew what would happen and could arguably be blamed for making the choice to create the world this way regardless
  • Weaknesses - Augustine
    Hick: lacks plausibility because it relies on literal interpretation of Genesis - The Fall - myth - contradicts evolution
    • science: how is it biologically possible to be present in the loins of Adam - inheritance of OG sin
    • limited election: why are only some saved if we are not all equally sinners, descending from Adam?