
Cards (41)

  • All matter consists of atoms
  • Atom
    Smallest particle into which elements can be broken up and still possess the properties of the element
  • Element
    Substance (made up of atoms) which cannot be divided into a simpler substance
  • 92 natural elements, 16 essential to plants
    • Carbon C
    • Oxygen O
    • Hydrogen H
    • Nitrogen N
    • Phosphorus P
    • Potassium K
    • Sulphur S
    • Calcium Ca
    • Magnesium Mg
    • Boron B
    • Chlorine Cl
    • Copper Cu
    • Cobalt Co
    • Iron Fe
    • Manganese Mn
    • Molybdenum Mo
    • Nickel Ni
    • Zinc Zn
  • Molecule
    A group of atoms bound together by chemical bonds
  • Compound
    A substance made up of two or more different chemical elements combined
  • Ion
    Atoms or molecules with an electric charge (+/-)
  • Atoms are constantly moving and bumping into each other
  • At higher temperatures atoms move faster
  • Gas state

    Molecules have less bonds between each other and move more freely
  • Solid state

    There are more bonds between molecules and much less movement
  • Organism construction
    Atoms -> molecules ->cellular structures (cell membranes, mitochondria) ->cells containing organelles -> tissue/organs -> organism
  • Inorganic compound

    Not formed by an organism
  • Organic compound
    Formed by an organism, always contain Carbon
  • Monomer
    A small, single-unit molecule; monomers together form polymers
  • Polymer
    A large molecule (macromolecule) made up of monomers bound together
  • Carbohydrate
    Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen in ratio C1H2O1, produced during photosynthesis
  • Carbohydrates
    • Glucose (C6H12O6)
  • Types of carbohydrates
    • Monosaccharide
    • Disaccharide
    • Polysaccharide
  • Monosaccharide
    Simple sugars with small, single molecules
  • Monosaccharides
    • Glyceraldehyde
    • Ribose
    • Glucose
    • Fructose
  • Isomers
    Same elements (in same quantity), but different arrangement of elements
  • Disaccharide
    Molecules with two simple sugars (monosaccharides) combined
  • Disaccharides
    • Sucrose (1 glucose + 1 fructose)
  • Polysaccharide
    Three or more monosaccharides bound together, not water-soluble, and not sweet
  • Polysaccharides
    • Starch
    • Cellulose
    • Inulin
  • Cellulose
    Structural material made from glucose, 40-60% of plant cell walls
  • Starch
    A compound that stores energy, thus a way to store food but still easily accessible
  • Inulin
    Fructose polysaccharide, dietary fibre that stores energy
  • Lignin
    Polymer associated with cellulose, makes up 25% of wood, indigestible, helps defend against pathogens and pests
  • Lipid
    All plants contain oils and fats; some contain waxes, stored in the form of triglycerides
  • Triglyceride
    An ester consisting of three fatty acids & glycerol
  • Fats
    Simplest and most common plant lipids, 3 fatty acid + glycerol = 1 fat + water, fatty acids are hydro-carbon chains, non-polar & hydrophobic
  • Saturated fatty acids
    Fatty acids without C=C
  • Phospholipids
    Lipids where one of the fatty acids is substituted for a phosphate group (PO4
    1. ), polar region is charged & hydrophilic, form cell membranes
  • Oils
    Fats that are liquid at room temperature, contain many unsaturated fatty acids (many C=C), most abundant in seeds or fruits
  • Oils
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Peanuts
    • Olives
  • Palm oil
    Contains palmitic acid (saturated)
  • Waxes
    Lipids with large molecules, e.g. Cutin, complex mixtures of fatty acids linked to long-chain alcohols, forms a protective layer on the epidermis (cuticle)
  • Waxes
    • Carnauba palm (Copernicia prunifera)