Cards (109)

  • Crustal deformation
    Deformation of the Earth's crust
  • Crustal deformation
    • Shifting lithospheric plates continually change the face of the planet
    • Results in major mountain belts
    • Rocks containing fossils of marine organisms found thousands of meters above sea level
    • Rocks bent, contorted, overturned, and sometimes rife with fractures
  • Deformation
    All changes in the original shape, size (volume), or orientation of a rock body
  • Stress
    Forces that deform rocks
  • Compressional stress
    Stress that squeezes and shortens a rock mass
  • Tensional stress
    Stress that pulls apart or elongates a rock body
  • Shear stress
    Stress that causes slippage between individual rock layers
  • Rock deformation
    • Rocks begin to deform by flowing or fracturing when subjected to stresses greater than their strength
  • Elastic deformation
    Deformation where changes are recoverable, like a rubber band
  • Brittle deformation
    Deformation where rocks break into smaller pieces
  • Ductile deformation
    Solid-state flow that produces a change in shape without fracturing
  • Factors affecting rock strength
    • Temperature
    • Confining pressure
    • Rock type
    • Time
  • Temperature effect on rock strength
    High temperatures cause rocks to deform ductilely and flow, low temperatures cause brittle fracturing
  • Confining pressure effect on rock strength

    Increased confining pressure from depth causes rocks to flow rather than fracture
  • Rock type effect on deformation
    Crystalline rocks tend to fail by brittle fracture, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are more susceptible to ductile deformation
  • Time effect on deformation
    Slow application of stress over long time causes ductile deformation, rapid stress causes brittle failure
  • Folding and faulting may occur simultaneously in the same rock body
  • Folds
    • Common features of deformed sedimentary rocks
    • Result from ductile deformation and gradual slippage along planes of weakness
    • Indicate rocks were deformed at great depth
  • Anticline
    Upfolded, or arched, structure in sedimentary layers
  • Syncline
    Downfolded, or trough-like, structure in sedimentary layers
  • Fold types

    • Symmetrical - limbs are mirror images
    • Asymmetrical - limbs are not mirror images
    • Overturned - one or both limbs tilted beyond vertical
    • Recumbent - fold axis is horizontal
  • Folds do not continue forever, their ends die out
  • Plunging fold
    Fold axis penetrates the ground, causing the outcrop pattern to "point" in the direction of plunge
  • Ridges are not necessarily associated with anticlines, nor are valleys related to synclines
  • Ridges and valleys result from differential weathering and erosion, not just folding
  • Domal structure
    • Black Hills of South Dakota
  • Resistant sandstone beds in the Valley and Ridge Province

    • Remain as imposing ridges
    • Separated by valleys cut into more easily eroded shale or limestone beds
  • Winds tend to increase in strength with an increase in altitude, so strong winds are common in high mountain settings
  • The highest wind speed recorded at a surface station is 231 miles per hour, measured at Mount Washington, New Hampshire
  • Plunging anticline
    In a plunging anticline the outcrop pattern "points" in the direction of plunge, the opposite is true of plunging synclines
  • Dome
    Broad upwarps in basement rock that deform the overlying cover of sedimentary strata
  • The Black Hills of South Dakota
    • A large domed structure generated by upwarping
  • Basin
    Downwarped structures having a circular or slightly elongated shape
  • Basins of Michigan and Illinois
    • Have gently sloping beds similar to saucers, thought to be the result of large accumulations of sediment causing the crust to subside
  • Monocline
    Broad, step-like folds in otherwise horizontal sedimentary strata, often the result of reactivation of ancient, steep, dipping faults located in basement rocks
  • Fault
    Fractures in the crust along which appreciable displacement has taken place
  • Dip-slip fault

    Faults in which movement is primarily parallel to the dip (or inclination) of the fault surface
  • Normal fault

    Dip-slip faults where the hanging wall block moves down relative to the footwall block
  • Reverse fault

    Dip-slip faults where the hanging wall block moves up relative to the footwall block
  • Thrust fault

    Reverse faults having dips less than 45°, so the overlying block moves nearly horizontally over the underlying block