Religion - Medieval

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  • The church though God caused disease to test faith or as a punishment, e.g. 1348 Black Death
  • What was the Prophet Muhammad?

    “For every disease Allah has a cure”
    ”Seek learning even as far as China”
  • Caliphs and learning
    • Peace and order needed for medical progress
    • Greek manuscripts translated to Arabic in Baghdad
    • House of Wisdom presented hundreds of Ancient Greek medical books
  • Surgery and use of drugs
    • Arabs were very skilled in the use of drugs
    • Camphor and senna still used today
    • Anaesthetise with sponge soaked in opium
  • Ibn al-Nafis
    • Islamic doctors often used observation and experimentation
    • He challenged Galen
    • Medical ideas reached universities of Padua and Bologna, Italy, then England through trade