
Cards (77)

  • ECGS read:
    AP spontaneously generated by the heart results from excitation and contraction of muscle fibres throughout MYOCARDIUM
  • blood tests:
    full blood count (FBC) - for example , infection , inflammation(raised CRP) , anaemia (low hb)
    thyroid fn test : an underactive or overactive thyroid gland effects production of hormone , thyroxine , abnormal levels linked to altered heart rate
    lipid profile : total cholesterol
    liver function tests
    clotting screen : prothrombin time
  • lab tests for cardiac s&s
    biomarkers = measurement of a biomarker of cardiomyocyte injury
    Tests include = cardiac enzymes , myoglobin , CK , brain-type natriuretic peptide (heart failure) , urea and electrolytes
  • electrocariography includes :
    12-lead electrocardiograms
    stress test
    holter monitoring
    event recorders
    -visualises rhythm abnormalties
  • P wave
    heartbeat starts with the generation of an electrical signal at the SA node , the hearts natural pacemaker , and that signal subsequently passes to the atrioventricular node.
  • PR interval:
    time between the start of the P wave and the start of the QRS complex
  • QRS Wave complex
    big spike in the middle of the ECG , which reflects the electrical signals leading to ventricular contraction. Its made up of multiple waves.
  • ST interval
    time between the end of the QRS complex and the start of the T wave .
    Represents period of zero potential between ventricular deporisation and repolarisation.
    pause between contraction and recovery
  • T wave
    hearts electrical activity returning to baseline - ventricular repolarisation. after ventricular repolarisation, muscles of the ventricle relax >
  • exercise stress testing
    • treadmill test
    ECG , blood pressure and HR
    useful diagnosis
    coronary artery disease
    • post myocardial infarction risk stratification
    exercise induced arrythmia
    nuclear stress test
    function of heart muscle
    — assess damage to heart muscle following an MI
    — determine extent of coronary stenosis
  • Holter monitoring :
    • small , portable monitoring device
    • continuous ECG while patient conducts normal daily activities
    • used for suspected frequent rhythm abnormalties
  • chest X-ray
    Size and configuration of heart and great vessels
    routine cardiac investigation
  • Echocardiography :
    • structure , motion , structural , functional changes
  • trans-thoracic echocardiogram
    Trans-oesophageal echocardiogram
    diagnosis and grading of severity of
    valvular and congenital heart diseases
    heart chamber movement and hypokinesia
    pericardial effusion
  • Coronary artery calcium scoring
    — most useful in those patients with intermediate risk of CVD
    — result will either lower or raise the risk profile
    — provide a change In management
    — potential clinical cardiovascular risk : low , medium ,
    Adv : convenient, noninvasive
    dis : radiation , no intravenous contrast medium , cannot show coronary artery anatomy or pathology
  • Angiography :
    Advanced form of magnetic resonance imaging
    • assessment of congenital disease
    • assessment of tumour
    • abnormality of thoracic aorta;
    • assessment of myocardial perfusion and viability
    • evaluation of infiltrative diseases
    • assessment of diseases of pericardium
    • exclusion of anomalous coronary origins
    • quantification of cardiovascular shunts
    • quantification of ventricular function
  • Nitrates:
    • used in angina and CAD : potent vasodilators , lower BP , control ischaemia
    ACTION; enter vascular smooth muscle cells
    systemic hemodynamics
    —> decrease in myocardial oxygen demand
    —> low doses : small amount of arterial dilatation
    —> higher doses : BP falls , reducing wall stress
  • Coronary hemodynamics : increase in coronary blood flow
    headaches , light-headedness
  • Coronary hemodynamics :
    — stable angina need supervision and encouragement
    — closely monitor any symptoms of new-onset chest pain particularly during exercise
    — cease activity and rest
    — be seated when GTN spray/oral sublingual nitrates administered
  • nitrate preparations :
    isosorbide dinitrate
    oral tablet , 15-40 m onset , 4-6 hrs duration ,
  • cholesterol lowering :
    Actions :
    blocks enzyme
    • leads to greater clearance of LDL cholesterol
    side effects :
    nausea , constipation, diarrhoea , myopathy , aches and pains
  • cholesterol lowering drug:
    HMG CoA reductase inhibitors
    indications: adjunct to diet , CAD or high risk
    • prevent blood clots that may produce emboli
    • prevent cardiac arrest , collapse and death
    Classified :
    platelet aggregation inhibitors
    glycoprotein platelet inhibitors
    Side-effects :
    bleeding propensity
    peptic ulcer/gastroduodenal haemorrhage
  • antiplatet agents :
    glycoprotein IIb inhibitors
    IHD , after CABG , NON-Stemi
    administration : IV
  • Beta - blockers ( beta - adrenergic blocking agents)
    peripheral : B-adrenoreceptors stimulation - vasodilation
    cardiac : B-adrenoreceptor stimulation - increased heart rate , contractility
  • Beta - blockers : action
    reduce blood pressure by BLOCKING the effects of hormone epinephrine (adrenaline)
    • heart beats slower , less force = lower blood pressure
  • beta-blockers : clinical context
    limits normal increase in heart rate seen during exercise
    • thus , do not use heart rate as a target for training intensity
  • beta -blockers : side effects
    bronchospasm due to stimulation of B2 receptors in airway smooth muscle
    • signs and symptoms : bradycardia , fatigue , lethargy
    • difficulty with ADLS due to slowed or absent normal rapid increase in heart rate that accompanies exertion
  • Clinical context:
    • be familiar with effects and side effects
    patients: combination of medications with different mechanisms of action and side effects
    side effects :
    B-blocker side effects
    e.g. bradycardia , fatigue or lethargy
  • medications + actions
  • Angiotensin II = primary vasoactive hormone of renin angiotensin aldosterone system
    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers
    angiotensin II causes aldosterone stimulation , regulation of salt and water homeostasis
    main difference between ACE inhibitors and ARBs - selective receptor activity
    ACE inhibitors : inhibits the inactivation of bradykinin ( vasodilator)
  • medication actions
  • diuretics :
  • calcium channel blockers: action

    • inhibits calcium ion influx across cell membranes
    • vascular smooth muscle cells ( decreasing systemic vascular resistance). E.g. Amlodipine or cardiac muscle cells e.g. verapamil which dilates main coronary arteries and coronary arterioles , both in normal and ischaemic regions , inhibits coronary artery spasm
  • calcium channel blockers :
    Side effects :
    • headache , light headedness , flushing
  • calcium channel blockers :
    Helps treat angina , hypertension , some arrhythmias —> medicine works by blocking the uptake of calcium into the cell which causes arteries to dilate
  • acute hypertension:
    Clinical context:
    commonly encountered in ICU where patients have low or a fluctuating blood pressure
    all are delivered intravenously via a central line or peripheral line
    side effects:
    excessive vasconstriction (peripheral ischaemia) , hypertension , headache , hyperglycaemia
  • peripheral receptor stimulation:
    adrenoreceptor stimulation - vasoconstriction , adrenoreceptor inhibition - vasodilation
    b-adrenoreceptors stimulation - vasodilation
  • Cardiac :
    B-adrenoreceptor stimulation — increased heart rate , contractility , conduction velocity and relaxation rate
    • human heart has both B1 - B2 adrenoreceptors , with B2 adrenoreceptors higher in atria the in ventricular myocardium
  • disorders of blood pressure :
    adequate perfusion of body tissue depends on :
    pumping ability of the heart
    transport of blood to fill the circulatory system
    tissues ability to extract and use oxygen and nutrients.

    blood pressure ;
    one of most variable but best regulated functions of the body
    approximated by flow (cardiac output) and systemic vascular resistance