The Executive

Cards (10)

  • The Cabinet consists of senior ministers who advise the PM and make decisions collectively
  • Executive is the powerhouse of the government
  • The executive provides political leadership, decisions, and enforcing decisions
  • Executive power is carefully checked to stop tyranny against the people
  • The impression that the PM runs the country is a myth the UK executive is a collective rather than personal
  • what is the Executive responsible for
    Responsible for executing or implementing government policy
  • What is the first part of the executive
    The political executive aka government -> composed of elected
    ministers its job is to take overall responsibility for the direction and coordination of government polices
  • what is the second part of the executive
    The official executive aka bureaucracy -> composed of a small elite group of senior civil servants its job is to provide policy advice and to implement government policy
  • The order of the executive

    PM =Head of the executive

    The Cabinet= Heads of the departments eg (health) that make up the government
    Government ministers= work in specific departments under cabinet ministers
    (They are made up of ministers of the state and parlimentary under secretaries of state)

    Civil servants- Appointed government officials they provide ministers with policy advice and implement policy they are permanent, neutral and anonymous
  • The Prime Minister - Single most important figure in the uk political system - Has power to 'hire & fire' - typically member of a party which has majority control of the House of Commons - they are the Uk's chief executive
    the PM has both formal and informal responsibilities
    the traditional view of the pm summed up by Bagehot (1867) is 'primus inter pares' or 'first among equals however this traditional formulation has ceased to be accurate it fails to capture the full range and significance of the role of the modern PM