Positive: US v Texas an executive order by Obama was struck down. Congress failed to pass an immigration reform
Negative: Trump launched airstrikes without approval to Syria, Obama did same to Libya
Positive: 'gang of eight' is senate group of four republicans and 4 democrats who created Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernisation Act
Negative: Even though ^ passed in the senate, the HOR refused to let it be debated
Separation of Powers
Positive: Obama, Hilary Clinton and Biden had to leave senate to pursue presidency (and Vice)
Negative: Obama negotiated Iran nuclear deal and it didn't require senate approval
Positive: Marujana is illegal at federal level, but in 13 states is been decriminalised, 9 allow it for recreational use
Negative: Obegefell v Hodges was imposed across all 50 states including 13 where it had been illegal
Checks and Balances
Positive: Trump tried to introduced his own healthcare bill but it failed to pass.
Negative: Obama included the USA in JCPOA and Paris climate accord without seeking congressional approval