Sensory register: info from the senses, retained for very brief period of time
Environmental stimuli goes to sensory memory
attention brings it to STM
maintenance rehearsal keeps it in the STM and transfers it to LTM
Retrieval brings it from LTM to STM
Suggests LTM and STM 2 separate stores
AO3 Support:
Beardsley (1997) found that the prefrontal cortex was active during STM but not LTM tasks, Squire (1992) found hippocampus active for LTM
Scoville and Milner (1957), HM case study, his personality and intellect intact and could recall presurgery memories, but could not make new memories
AO3 Criticism:
MSM too simple, WMM shows that STM itself is split into many different stores
Craik and Lockhart (1972), LTM created by processing rather than maintenance rehearsal - Craik and Tulving (1975) people remember things deeply processed rather than shallowly processed
Logie (1999), STM relies on LTM and therefore can't come first - Ruchkin (2003), Ps recall real and pseudo words, more brain activity when processing real, other areas involved rather than just STM