Progressive disease in which there is destruction or absence of the extrahepatic biliary tree and intrahepatic biliary ducts
Leads to chronic liver failure and death unless surgical intervention is performed
Babies have a normal birthweight but fail to thrive as the disease progresses
Stool colour may fluctuate, but pale stools is an important abnormality and warrants investigation, even in the absence of clinical jaundice
Hepatomegaly is often present and splenomegaly will develop secondary to portal hypertension
Diagnosis is confirmed at laparotomy by operative cholangiography which fails to outline a normal biliary tree
Treatment is surgical bypass of the fibrotic ducts, hepatoportoenterostomy (Kasai procedure)
If surgery is performed before age 60 days, 80% of children achieve bile drainage
Even when bile drainage is successful, there is frequently progression to cirrhosis and portal hypertension