exam questions

Cards (12)

  • Which term describes the ability of heart muscle to contract without external stimulation?
    • myogenic
  • Explain why it is necessary for the cardiac output of marathon runners to increase during a race(2)
    • increase supply of oxygenated blood to muscles
    • to allow aerobic respiration
    • to provide more energy to meet the increased demands
  • Adrenaline acts on the heart to cause changes in heart rate.Deduce how adrenaline can cause a change in heart rate(4)
    • adrenaline carried in the blood
    • acts on the sinoatrial node
    • increasing the frequency of impulses produced by the SAN
    • increasing the rate at which the heart contracts
  • Explain how starting to exercise causes an increase in breathing rate(3)
    • exercise initiates impulses from the motor cortex/stretch receptors in muscles
    • impulses sent to or from the ventillation centre in the medulla oblongata
    • leading to increased impulses to intercoastal muscles/diaphragm
  • explain the effect of exercise on the changes in oxygen consumption(4)
    • excercise will increase oxygen consumption
    • because there is increased aerobic respiration
    • because more energy/ATP is needed by muscles
    • oxygen required to convert lactic acid into glucose/pyruvate
    • oxygen consumption begins to decrease after exercise
  • describe how the SAN is involved in bringing about a change in heart rate as the level of activity increases(2)
    • more stimulation/depolarisation of the SAN(more impulses to the SAN)
    • causing more frequent waves of depolarisation from the SAN to the atria
    • leading to morw frequent contraction of atria/stimulation of AVN
  • which area of the brain houses the ventillation centre that controls breathing rate(1)
    • medulla oblongata
  • decribe the role played by stretch receptors in the lungs in controlling the ventilation rate(2)
    • stretch receptors are stimulated when the lungs fill with air
    • they sent impulses to the inspiritary centre in the medulla oblongata to inhibit inspiration
    • leads to stimulation of expiratory system to initiate exhalation
  • compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in the control of heart rate during periods of exercise and rest(4)
    • BOTH neurones connect to the SAN
    • BOTH parts of the autonomic nervous system-happens without conscious thought
    • sympathetic neurones speed up heart WHEREAS parasympathetic slows it down
    • sympathetic prepares the body for action WHEREAS parasympathetic prepares for rest/recovery
    • release DIFFERENT neurotransmitters
  • explain what causes an increase in heart rate while she walks(6)
    • The rate of respiration increases in their muscle cells
    • So the carbon dioxide concentration increases / pH falls
    • Which is detected by chemoreceptors in aortic/carotid bodies
    • (Chemoreceptors) send impulses to the medulla/cardiovascular control centre at an increased frequency; [1 mark]
    • cardiovascular control centre sends impulses along the sympathetic pathway to the SAN
    • SAN stimulated by noradrenaline
    • Waves of electrical activity spread across atria and ventricles at an increased frequency
  • outline benefits of prostheses for park runners(2)
    • Encourage participation in (low-impact) sport/activity
    • To reduce weight gain / obesity
    • Reducing the risk of a sedentary/inactive lifestyle leading to heart disease / dementia
    • To provide freedom to walk / go outdoors
    • To reduce pain/discomfort
  • outline the way in which a damaged cruciate ligament can be fixed surgically(2)
    • keyhole surgery
    • using small camera to remove damaged ligament tissue
    • replace with a graft from a tendon