Types of conformity

Cards (5)

  • Conformity: a form of SI that results from exposure to a majority position, making people adopt certain beliefs/behaviour publically or/and privately
    • Compliance - When an individual accepts influence to be liked by others. The attitude/belief is not internalised, and is only done for approval in public
    • Identification - when the individual accepts influence to be associated with a particular group. Will see belief as true/correct, but it is somewhat performative
    • Internalisation - when an individual sees a groups view as correct and adopts it in their own life both publicly and privately. More likely is the group appears trustworthy, and the individual has agreed with them before
  • AO3:
    • Hard to distinguish between compliance and internalisation, as someone may have actually internalised a message or view but medley forgotten the info or have received difference info on the topic afterwards, making it hard to see if they truly only agreed for public view, or did fully agree but later changed their mind