Cards (6)

  • two factors affecting reactivity:
    • strength - going down halogen group, atoms get larger; increased shielding due to nucleus is further away from electrons
    → this means the mean enthalpy gets lower + bond are easier to break; if the mean enthalpy is higher, the halogen will less likely appear in a nucleophilic substitution reaction
    • polarity - F has highest electronegativity in group 17 so electronegativity decreases down the group
    → meaning the C-X bond decreases as only the molecules with highest priority are more likely to react
  • Hydrolysis
    a nucleophilic reaction for halogens
    • H2O is the reactant that provides OH for the nucleophilic reaction
    →if water was used, one of the O-H bond would undergo heterolytic fission to produce OH-
    • this species attack the electron-deficient carbon atom in C-X bond
    →once the nucleophilic has bonded to the haloalkane, the OH undergoes heterolytic fission to produce a halide
  • Measuring the rate of reaction
    rate of reaction is the change in concentration of reactants or products in a given time
  • halogens with silver nitrate
    • results show the rate of reaction is fastest for primary haloalkanes + slowest for primary chloroalkanes
  • Hydrolysis + bond enthalpy of C-halogen bonds
    • we can conclude bond enthalpy is the most important factor in hydrolysis of primary haloalkanes
    → the C-Cl bond is most polar so it’s most attractive to nucleophilic attack; due to highest polarity in bond the rate of reaction because bond is weaker + easier to break
  • Hydrolysis using aqueous alkali
    • when a haloalkane is under reflux with an aqueous solution containing OH- ions, an alcohol is made
    →this is a nucleophilic reaction + example of hydrolysis; rate of reaction is faster than that using water