haloalkanes and the environment

Cards (3)

  • Chlorofluorocarbons
    CFC are class of organic compounds that contain chlorine + fluorine atoms
    • gases at room temperature so after use they disperse into air
    → as they diffuse through the layers of the atmosphere , they’re exposed to UV radiation
    therefore homolytic fission occurs
    C2F2Cl2 →C2F2Cl ‘ + Cl’
    1st propagation:
    Cl’ + O3 → ‘ClO + O2
    2nd propagation:
    ‘ClO + O3 → Cl’ + 2O2
    • ozone layer is full of O3
    • ozone is toxic to humans in troposphere + key contributor to photochemical smog
    →absorbs UV-C radiation and most of UV-B radiation it can cause genetic damage; skin cancer + cataracts
    • UV-A has low energy + doesn’t pose any health concerns; also not absorbed by ozone layer
    stratosphere is decomposed naturally by UV radiation + so more ozone is made in the process
  • other radicals formed
    • ozone layers is shrinking + no ozone layers in the troposphere in some areas due
    →scientists have researched through satellite ~+ ground stations that the ozone layer is reduced by 4% , CFC have been in atmosphere for 50 + years from satellites since 1970s
    other radicals :
    • ‘NO + O3 → ‘NO2 + O2
    • ‘NO2 + O3 → ‘NO3 + O2
    • O3 + O → O2