synthetic routes in organic synthesis

Cards (10)

  • synthetic routes: alkane to haloalkanes
    halogen, UV light, free radical, substitution
  • synthetic routes: alkene to alkane
    hydrogen (+ Ni catalyst), 150 degrees, electrophilic addition/ hydrogenation
  • synthetic routes: alkenes to haloalkanes
    hydrogen halide, room temperature, electrophilic addition
  • synthetic routes: haloalkanes to alcohols
    NaOH, heat under reflux, nucleophilic substitution
  • synthetic routes: alcohols to halogenalkane
    NaX (+H2SO4) , heat under reflux, nucleophilic substitution
  • synthetic routes: alkene to alcohols
    steam (+H2SO4), hydration
  • synthetic routes: alcohols to alkene
    Al2O3 (drying agent) or concentrated acid,heat, elimination/dehydration
  • synthetic routes: alcohols to ketone
    K2Cr2O7/H2SO4, heat under reflux, oxidation
  • synthetic routes: alcohols to aldehyde
    K2Cr2O7/H2SO4, distillation, oxidation
  • synthetic routes: alcohols to carboxylic acid
    K2Cr2O7/H2SO4, heat under reflux, oxidation