The arrival of new types of media is often met with a moral panic.
For example, horror comics, cinema, television, videos and computer games have all been accused of undermining public morality and corrupting the young.
Thomas and loader
define cyber crime as computer mediated activities that are illegal or considered illicit and that are conducted through global electronic networks
the internet creates opportunities to commit:
conventional crimes - fraud
new crimes - software piracy
identifies 4 categories of cybercrime
cyber-trespass - hacking, spreading viruses
cyber-deception and theft - identity theft, phishing, illegal downloading
cyber-pornography - porn involving minors
cyber-violence - cyber-stalking, bullying, hate crimes
global cyber crime
crimes committed online in other countries
difficult to police due to large scale of internet
problems with jurisdiction - which country should prosecute
ICT allows for surveillance though use of CCTV, electronic databases, digital fingerprinting
installation of listening devices called ‘carnivores’ at Internet service providers to monitor email traffic.