Respiratory system

Cards (19)

  • Lactic acid - a toxic chemical produced during anaerobic respiration
  • Bronchiole - small airways in the lungs that branch off the bronchi.
  • Intercostal mucles - sets of muscles between the ribs which raise and lower the ribcage
  • Human thorax - ribs and upper backbone and all the organs found in the chest
  • Tobacco causes increase risk of lung cancer due to it containing many carcinoids
  • Smoking increases heart disease
  • Niccotine causes addiction meaning people will smoke more
  • The chemicals paralise cilia cells leading to a build up of mucus which causes smokers cough
  • Oxygen debt is the amount of extra oxygen needed by the body to recover
  • Breathing in
    • intercostal muscles contract pulling rib cage up and out
    • disphram contracts and flattens
    • preasure decreases
    • volume increases
    • air drawn into lungs
  • Glucose + oxygen - Carbon dioxide + water + atp
  • Glucose - lactic acid + atp
  • Bell jar model
    • glass tube - trachea
    • bell jar - chest cavity
    • balloons - lungs
    • rubber sheet - diaphram
  • Goblet cells produce mucus which traps bacteria from entering the lungs
  • Cilia are small hairs which beat to push mucus back up trachea so it can be swallowed
  • Aerobic respiration
    • requires oxygen
    • carbon dioxide and water produced
    • glucose breakdown is complete
    • large amounts of energy produced
  • Lungs have alveoli which allow gas exchange between blood and air
  • Alveoli are surrounded by capillaries where gases diffuse across membrane into bloodstream
  • Capillary beds surround alveoli, increasing surface area available for gas exchange