
Cards (9)

  • Alcohols General formula = CnH2n+1C_nH_{2n+1} OH
  • Alcohols Functional Group: OH
  • Methanol (n=1)
  • Ethanol (n=2)
  • Propanol (n=3)
  • Butanol (n=4)
  • Fermentation:
    • Enzymes in yeast break down glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide, giving out heat
    • Can be done with substances that contain cellulose, starch or glucose
    • Done by grinding source (e.g. grapes) and adding enzymes to break down cellulose and starch into glucose.
    • Leave to ferment
    • Fractional distillation used to get ethanol from the mixture
  • Catalytic Addition of Steam to Ethene:
    • Ethene is obtained by cracking long-chain alkenes from oil.
    • The ethene reacts with steam (reversibly) in the following conditions:
    • 570 °C
    • 60 - 70 atm
    • Catalyst = phosphoric acid
    • Low temperature gives a better yield, but high temperature is used to give a better rate of reaction.
  • Alcohol evaporates easily, so used as solvent in glues, printing inks & perfumes