Carbolxylic Acids

Cards (9)

  • Carboxylic Acids General formula = CnH2n+1COOHC_nH_{2n+1}COOH

  • Functional group for Carbolxylic acids: COOH
  • Methanoic Acid (n=1)
  • Ethanoic Acid (n=2)
  • Propanoic Acid (n=3)
  • Butanoic acid (n=4)
  • Ethanoic Acid is a weak acid with high pH and low dissociation
  • Ethanoic Acid is formed by:
    • Oxidation of ethanol
    • With acidified potassium mangenate (VII)
  • Carboxylic acids react with alcohols to give esters, in a condensation reaction, for example:

    Ethanoic acid + ethanol ⇌ ethyl ethanoate + water (alcohol = -yl & carboxylic acid = -oate)