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  • Globalization
    A process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology
  • Globalization
    • Expands cross-border facilities and economic linkages
    • Seeks to transform the existing international economic system into a unified system of global economics
    • Technology has been a principal driver, particularly advances in information technology
  • Globalization has effects on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development and prosperity, and human physical well-being in societies around the world
  • To find the right balance between benefits and costs associated with globalization, citizens of all nations need to understand how globalization works and the policy choices facing them and their societies
  • Ethical issues on globalization
    • Reduction of protectionism is unfair unless applied fairly
    • Inequality of power, example with no or few trade unions leads to massive exploitation by multinationals
    • The gap between rich and poor in the world is still very large
    • Economic globalization marginalizes the poor, destroys the environment and damages cultures
    • Globalization increases inequality and further impoverishes the poor
    • Many of the global problems are by-products of the expansion of the global economy
    • Poverty
    • Income gaps have widened both within countries and between countries
    • 820 million people lack adequate nutrition, more than 850 million are illiterate and almost all lack access to basic sanitation
    • The World Trade Organization (WTO) does ignore labor rights and the environment
    • International trade and technological change create a significant decline in demand for unskilled, semi-skilled and traditionally skilled workers
    • Brain drain
    • Natural Resources
  • Solutions to ethical problems of globalization
    • Rich countries should assist developing countries for them to propel economic growth and development
    • Coordinated action is required to address the problems of poverty and malnutrition worldwide
    • In the case of pandemics, the key is to support countries where outbreaks occur and help those most at risk of infection
    • Widespread dangers, such as climate change or a new financial crisis, can require the cooperation of dozens of countries and a broad range of institutions
    • In confronting dangers such as the Islamic State, Ebola, financial crisis, climate change, or rising inequality, long-term political expediency is required
  • Filinnials
    Filipino Millennials
  • Generations
    • Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 and later
    • Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995
    • Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976
    • Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964
    • Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before
  • Filinnials/Millennials
    • Increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies
    • Trust in Google or Wikipedia, which provide them with plenty of various worldviews
    • Upbringing is said to be marked by an increase in a liberal approach to politics, economics, and morality
    • Ascribed traits: special, sheltered, confident, team-oriented, conventional, pressured, and achieving
    • Considered part of 'Generation Me' rather than 'Generation We'
    • Most ethnically and racially varied compared to older generations
    • Most educated
  • Millennials came of age in a time where the entertainment industry started to be significantly influenced by the Internet
  • Millennials' ethical outlook and cultural identity
    • More open-minded than their parents on controversial topics
    • 84% favored legalizing the use of marijuana
    • Detached from institutions and networked with friends
    • Pragmatic idealism with a deep desire to make the world a better place
    • Labeled as the "Boomerang Generation" or "Peter Pan generation" due to delaying rites of passage into adulthood
  • Most Millennials of every religion, race, and ethnicity support access to affordable contraception
  • Millennials' beliefs on ethical issues
    • One-quarter say that marriage has become old-fashioned and out of date
    • Four-way split on "pro-life" and "pro-choice" labels
    • 7% identify either as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender
  • Millennials' work ethics
    • Tech-savvy, appreciative of diversity, and skilled in multitasking
    • Lack basic literacy fundamentals, have very short attention spans, are not loyal to the organization, demand immediate feedback and recognition, integrate technology into the workplace, expect to have many employers and multiple careers, and wear whatever is comfortable at work
  • Ethical behaviors considered by Millennials in the workplace
    • Using social networking to find out about the company's competitors
    • Friending a client or customer on a social network
    • Uploading personal photos on a company network
    • Keeping copies of confidential documents
    • Working less to compensate for cuts in benefits or pay
    • Buying personal items using a company credit card
    • Blogging or tweeting negatively about a company
    • Taking a copy of work software home for personal use
  • Information Millennials post on personal social networking sites
    • Feelings about their jobs
    • Bad joke told by the boss
    • Work on a project
    • Picture of a coworker
  • Behaviors in the workplace considered ethical by Millennials
    • Using social networking to find out about the company's competitors - 37%
    • "Friending" a client or customer on a social network - 36%
    • Uploading personal photos on a company network - 26%
    • Keeping copies of confidential documents - 22%
    • Working less to compensate for cuts in benefits or pay - 18%
    • Buying personal items using a company credit card - 15%
    • Blogging or tweeting negatively about a company - 14%
    • Taking a copy of work software home for personal use - 13%
  • Information Millennials post on personal social networking sites
    • Feelings about their jobs - 40%
    • Bad joke told by the boss - 26%
    • Work on a project - 26%
    • Picture of a coworker drinking - 22%
    • Annoying habit of a coworker - 20%
    • Information about the company's competitors - 19%
    • Opinion of a coworker about politics - 16%
  • Millennials are the group most likely to report unethical behavior in workplaces using the hotline option
  • Millennials expect
    Close relationships and frequent feedback from supervisors
  • Millennials associate job satisfaction with

    Free flow of information, strong connectivity to supervisors, and more immediate feedback
  • For business companies having Millennials in their workforce, a strong ethics and compliance program will have a significant role in developing and maintaining the organization's moral culture
  • Millennials are chiefly driven by a strong program to be more proactive in their ethical conduct
  • Millennials' individualism
    The self-focused time in life, having fewer social rules and obligations, and more freedom to be self-directed
  • Millennials view morality as personal and subjective, based on feeling, and nontransferable to others
  • New technologies generate new moral problems, and the Millennials are, to a greater degree than any prior generation, defined by the technology in which they are embedded
  • Millennials are often in conflict with Baby Boomers
  • Baby Boomers' life principle
    Attain a good education, get a well-paying full-time job, find a stable partner, purchase a house and a car, and preferably have a child or children
  • Millennials are perceived to have a tendency for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood and for living with their parents for long periods of time
  • Differences between Baby Boomers and Millennials
    • Millennials are more progressive on social issues
    • Millennials are hesitant to identify themselves with a political party
    • Millennials are less wealthy
    • Millennials are reluctant to get married
    • More Millennials live at home than their parents (Baby Boomers) did at the same age
  • Religion
    People's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life
  • Ethics
    A system of moral principles which affect how people make decisions and lead their lives, concerned with what is good and right for persons and society
  • The difference between religion and ethics is about the disparity between revelation and reason
  • Many ethicists believe that religion is necessary for the continued survival of morality as an integral part of human life, especially in a globalized world
  • Leo Tolstoy: '"The attempts to found a morality apart from religion are like the attempts of children who, wishing to transplant a flower that pleases them, pluck it from the roots that seem to them unpleasing and superfluous, and stick it rootless into the ground. Without religion there can be no real, sincere morality, just as without roots there can be no real flower."'
  • Morality is currently in a withering stage in this globalized era, its decline can be identified with the exorbitant secularization of many things