an act created to limit all non-white immigration in australia.
how did the immigration act 1901 restrict non-white migration?
by making them sit a dictation test which was heavily biased.
what is the pacific islanders restriction act 1901?
made imported labour from the pacific islandsillegal.
what is the post and telegraph act 1901?
it banned non-white workers from transporting australianmail.
main reasons for the existence of the white australia policy?
there was an increase of non-white migration in australia during the gold rush and australia was racist and thought they would steal white job opportunities.
main features of the white australia policy?
restrict numbers of non-white migration in australia.
main reasons for the existence of the populate of perish scheme?
the post ww2 population in australia was just 7 million, they created this scheme to fill up australia.
how many migrants did the populate or perish scheme bring overall?
2 million.
which country did australia first seek to for migrants in 1945 for the populate or perish scheme? what was the name?
britain, '10 pound poms'.
who did australia seek after British migration wasn't enough? what was the name?
baltic people, 'the beautiful balts'.
what 3 countries are baltic?
lithuainia, estonia, and latvia.
when the was still not enough migrants from the Baltic reigon who did Australia seek?
southern europeans.
what countries are southern european?
italy, greece, and malta.
what scheme were the southern europeans put under?
displaced worker scheme.
what were the southern europeans told to do when they arrived in australia?
assimilate and blend in with australians.
what kind of countries did southern europeans come from?
war-torn countries.
why were the balts suitable to migrate to australia?
because they looked 'white'.
what scheme was created in 1949?
'the snowy hydro scheme'.
what scheme was created in 1947?
'the beautiful balts'.
what scheme was created in 1945?
'10 pound poms'.
how many migrants came from the snowy hydro scheme? how many different countries did they come from?
over 100,000 people came from over 30 countries.
what year did the first boat of migrants from war-ravaged vietnam arrive in australia?
in 1976.
how did the australian government react to the arrival of the vietnamese migrants?
the australian government kept their arrival restricted because of the racist undertone of australians at that time.
by 1985,
70,000 migrants from South-East Asia, mostly vietnam migrated to australia.
3 topics in multicultural australia?
social, political, and cultural.
the australian government went from only acctepting british migrants in 1945, to becoming a socially diverse country through more inclusive migration schemes.
laws that disadvantaged non-white migrants have been abolished circling the increase in diversity since 1945.
what migration restriction act 1901 created what test that applicants had to pass?
dictation test.
why was the dictation test contreversial?
the test was made unfair to non-white candidates so they wouldnt pass, to keep australia, 'british'.
what did the migration act 1958 do?
abolished the controversial dictation test and allowed everyone to have the same oppurtunities.
what act in the constitution abolished the dictation test?
the migrationact1958.
who presented the speech that promoted multicultural australia?
al grassby, immigration minister.
what year did immigration minister al grassby give his speech?
in 1973.
what impact did al grassbys speech have on australia?
it had a signifigant impact on australia because he was the first ever immigration minister to promote diversity in australia.
what did al grassbys speech do?
it challenged the prevailing notion of assimilation and encouraged the acceptance and celebrataion of diversity.
what was post ww2 food like in australia?
primarily british food from the GreatDepression.
what was food for the Great Depression like?
it was affordable, non-perishable, and kept you going.
what is food like now in australia compared to in 1945?
due to migration there is now a vast array of resturaunts to enjoy, from countries all over the world.
multicultural australia points?
food, festivals, and media.
signifigant festival that has impacted australia which is celebrated all over australia?