embryology memorize!

Cards (8)

  • week 1: fertilization and implantation
    1. Ovum & sperm meet in uterine tube -> zygote -> forms morula (through mitosis & cleavage) -> blastocyst (increase in cell size w/ no change in cell number
    2. consists of 2 types of cells - trophoblast & embryoblast). Implantation on 7th day
    3. Trophoblast: helps embryo to attach to the uterus wall; embryo's contribution to placenta
    4. Embryoblast: becomes the embryo
  • Week 2: bilaminar embryonic disc
    1. Blastocyst proliferates, forming the bilaminar embryonic disc
    2. Cells receive external induction signals to differentiate into epiblast or hypoblast cell
    3. Epiblast, primary ectoderm & dorsal columnar cells -> amniotic cavity
    4. Hypoblast, primary endoderm & ventral cuboidal cells -> yolk sac
    5. Disc is suspended between these two cavities
    6. Prochordal plate: thickened area where the epiblast & hypoblast meet --> first visual sign of embryonic axis development
  • Week 3
    1. Cells of the amniotic cavity differentiate & burrow to form the primitive streak
    2. Epiblast cells (soon to be ectoderm) move towards the hypoblast (soon to be endoderm) to form the mesoderm
    3. Neurulation: ectoderm cells -> neural plate -> invaginates inwards to form neural groove & folds -> neural folds undergo fusion to become neural tube -> neural tube later becomes brain & spinal cord
    4. NCC: develop from neuroectoderm -> epithelial-mesenchymal transformation; migrates from the crests of neural folds to join the mesoderm --> mesenchyme --> ectomesenchyme
    5. Mesoderm -> somites
  • Week 4: formation of stomadeum, forebrain, tongue
    1. Rostrocaudal axis folding -> primitive stomadeum
    2. Neural tube expansion -> primitive forebrain
    3. Tongue: from local proliferation of mesenchyme in the floor of the mouth (tuberculum impar & lingual swellings at 1st branchial arch, fuse with hypobranchial eminence)
  • Week 5: olfactory placode & nasal process development

    1. Olfactory placode: localised thickenings within ectoderm of frontal prominence
    2. Nasal process: proliferation from mesenchyme around olfactory placode
    3. Lateral nasal process
    4. Medial nasal process
  • Week 6: rudimentary mandible formation

    1. Meckel's cartilage acts as a scaffold for intramembranous ossification; it is then resorbed
    2. Ossification occurs where IAN divides into incisive & mental branch
  • Week 7-9: 2º palate formation

    1. Nasal septum grows downwards from frontonasal process
    2. Palatal shelves (from Mx processes): grow downwards -> then ascend -> fusion
    3. By W12: final palate is formed
  • Formation of lips
    1. Week 5: formation of lower lip (apparent fusion of Md processes)
    2. Week 7: formation of upper lip
    3. Middle portion (+ philtrum, primary palate, anterior maxilla): medial nasal processes + frontonasal processes
    4. Lateral aspect: ant. aspect of the Mx process + lateral aspect of medial nasal process