Intro to Phlebotomy

Cards (41)

  • is the process of collecting blood through the vein by using incision or puncture method to draw blood
  • the word phlebotomy is derived from two greek words "phlebos" and "temnein" which means?
    phlebos- vein
    temnein- to cut
  • is a professional who performs phlebotomy
  • during stone age, what did humans used to cut vessels and drain blood from the body?
    crude tools
  • who practiced Phlebotomy as a form of bloodletting
    ancient egyptians
  • An early medical theory developed by Hippocrates stated that disease was the result of excess substance within the body— what are these substances?

    black bile
    yellow bile
  • blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile are also called as?
    4 Humors
  • is the application of special heated cups on the patient's skin that helps ease pain, inflammation, or other health related concerns
  • it is used for incision to the skin and only wiped with a rag
  • is a method that uses medicinal leeches for bloodletting and microsurgical replantation. It is believed that leeches inject a local vasodilator, anaesthetic and hirudin (anticoagulant)
  • leeching is also called
  • main methods in Phlebotomy
    capillary puncture
  • phlebotomy method that collects blood using a needle inserted in a vein
  • phlebotomy method that is done by puncturing the skin
    capillary puncture
  • phlebotomist includes:

    medical assistants
    patient care assistant
  • Traits of a phlebotomist:
    Certification or license and continuing education. Official recognition and are certified to have completed the training.
  • Traits of a phlebotomist:
    Should be reassuring and pleasant when dealing with patients.
    patient-client interaction
  • type of patient that requires to stay in the hospital to treat serious disease —require 24-hour medical and emotional support
  • type of patient that stays at home but goes to hospital for treatment for non-severe cases
  • Level of Health care:
    Health units in rural areas and sub units which are operated by the DOH
    Primary level
  • Level of Health care: Medical centers and large hospitals where services are sophisticated coupled with highly technical facilities that can address serious diseases
    Tertiary level
  • Level of Health care:
    Refers to the non-departamentalized hospitals to attend to patients during the symptomatic stages of an ailment
    secondary level
  • Level of Health care:
    It is done in a patient's home or in a long term facility
    Homebound services
  • Level of Health care:
    Services are offered with little or no charges at all
    Public health services
  • Level of Health care:
    Medical care is given to outpatients or patients requiring care or follow up check-ups
    Ambulatory care
  • is most often an individual with an associate degree from a 2 year program or certification from a military or proprietary school. —their job includes: routine testing, operating of equipments, performing basic instrument maintenance, recognising instrument problems, and assisting in problem solving
    Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)
  • A personnel with phlebotomy experience who has skills in specimen processing and basic laboratory testing. —the are generalist, responsible for assisting the MLS or MLT with work in any area.
    Clinical Laboratory Assistant
  • is a personnel who is trained to collect blood for laboratory tests that are necessary for the diagnosis and care of patients
  • is an institution that has permanent inpatient beds with 24-hour nursing services along with therapeutic and diagnostic services managed by organized medical staff or personnel
  • The hospital has two major division which are:
    Anatomical and Surgical pathology
    Clinical analysis area
  • division of a hospital that handles tests related to histology, cytology, and cytogenetics
    anatomical and surgical pathology
  • division of a hospital that is divided into seven areas? what are these areas?
    Clinical analysis area
    Serology / Immunology
    Blood bank / Immunohematology
  • Reference lab for microbiology
    Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
  • Reference lab for toxicology and drug testing
    East Avenue Medical Center
  • Reference lab for HIV/AIDS and STIs
    San Lazaro Hospital
  • Reference lab for pathology for cardiac diseases
    Philippine Heart Center
  • Reference lab for hematology, Immunohematology, immunopathology, and anatomic pathology
    National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI)
  • Reference lab for anatomic pathology for pulmonary disease
    Lung Cancer of the Philippines
  • a technologist with an advanced degree and several year of experience. —theitlr duties includes overseeing all operations involving physician and patient services
    Laboratory administrator /
    Laboratory manager (Chief MedTech)
  • personnel who is responsible for the administration of the area and who reports to the laboratory administrator
     Technical supervisor  (Section head)