
Cards (4)

  • Torque (or moment): Rotary effect of a force about an axis of rotation
    • T= F x d. (of moment arm from axis)
    • Moment arm of a force= perpendicular distance from the force’s line of action to the axis of rotation.
  • levers:
    ·      A is between the F/R (most versatile).
    ·      Balance forces, ROM, move a force.
    ·      Example= triceps extending overhead
    ·      R between F/A
    ·      Have a force advantage.
    ·      Example= calf raise, push up, eccentric bicep curl.
    ·      F between A/R.
    ·      Most common lever in the body.
    ·      Provides speed/ROM advantage for light loads.
  • Mechanical advantage:
    ·      Mechanical advantage= force arm/resistive arm.
    ·      FA> RA= MA> 1 larger force can be balanced (FORCE ADV)
    ·      RA>FA= MA< 1 move resistance through large range of motion (ROM)
  • Anatomical Levers
    ·      Rotary component always acts perpendicular to the bone (Provides force to rotate)
    ·      Parallel component= stabilizing component=dislocating component