exam questions

Cards (6)

  • describe how dopamine acts as a neurotransmitter(4)
    • dopamine released from presynaptic membrane into synaptic cleft and diffuses across synaptic cleft
    • it binds to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
    • this opens sodium ion channels in post synaptic membrane
    • initiating depolarisation/action potential in post synaptic neurone
  • describe how MDMA use could affect the transmission of impulses in the brain(2)
    • MDMA prevents the reuptake of serotonin thus increasing concentration in synaptic cleft
    • does this by blocking the pre-synaptic receptors
    • nerve pathways using serotonin are more likely to be stimulated/action potentials produced
  • Describe how low serotonin levels in an individual can affect the transmission of impulses in their brain.(2)
    • there will be less neurotransmitter(serotonin)
    • less serotonin results in fewer depolarisations of post synaptic membranes
    • threshhold not achieved and less chance of action potential being produced in post-synaptic neurone
  • The transmission of an impulse between a neurone in the optic nerve and a cell in the brain involves ions and neurotransmitter molecules.
    Describe how these ions and neurotransmitter molecules are involved in the transmission of an impulse(4)
    • calcium ions enter presynaptic neurone so vesicles with NT can move towards and fuse with presynaptic membrane
    • NT molecules diffuse across the synapse
    • NT binds with receptors on postsynaptic membrane
    • sodium ions diffuse into post-synaptic membrane leading to depolarisation
  • describe the process that occurs at a synapse that leads to habituation(4)
    • repeated stimulus decreases permeability of pre-synaptic membrane, so calcium ion channels are not opening
    • fewer CA+ move into presynaptic membrane
    • so less NT released and diffuses across gap
    • depolarisation is less likely to occur in post-synaptic neurone
  • explain how SSRIs help to maintain a feeling of wellbeing(3)
    • SSRIs bind to reuptake proteins
    • serotonin levels remain high in synapse
    • serotonin binds to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
    • depolarisation of post-synpatic membrane
    • action potentials/impulses continues