Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Cards (12)

  • Pure substance
    Matter with a definite and constant composition, either an element or a compound
  • Element
    Composed of a single kind of atom
  • Compound
    Composed of two or more elements in a specific ratio
  • Compounds have physical and chemical properties different from the elements that make them up
  • Mixture
    Physical combination of pure substances with no definite or constant composition
  • Components of a mixture retain their own physical and chemical characteristics
  • Compound
    A substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion
  • Chemists can't easily separate the components of a compound, they have to resort to some type of chemical reaction
  • Mixture
    A physical combination of pure substances that have no definite or constant composition
  • Types of mixtures
    • Homogeneous
    • Heterogeneous
  • Homogeneous mixture

    A relatively uniform mixture where every portion is like every other portion
  • Heterogeneous mixture

    A mixture where the composition varies from position to position within the sample