earth process

Cards (18)

  • geological process- natural process feature are modified
  • exogenous process- (outside the surface)
    endogenous process- (within the interior of earth)
  • type of exogenous process
    1. weathering
    2. erosion
    3. mass wasting
    4. sedimentation
  • weathering- disintegration of rocks, soil with other material, happen without movement or transportation.
  • physical weathering- breakdown of rocks by mechanical forces.
    • abrasion- by friction of water or wind
    • freezing and thawing
    • heating and cooling
    • plant growth
    • animal activity
  • chemical weathering-rocks break down by chemical reactions
    • oxidation- reaction of a substance with oxygen
    • hydrolysis- chemical breakdown of substance when combined with water
    • acid rain- may cause metals and stones to corrode.
  • acid precipitation- precipitation that contains acid due to air pollution
  • erosion- movement of earth's solid materials from one place to another
  • mass wasting- movement of large masses of materials down to slope
    • mud flow- soil=water, near rivers or streams
    • debris flow- does not need water to flow
    • slump -slow movement of soil along a curved surface
  • sedimentation- accumulation of materials such as soil
  • magmatism- happens when a magma generated and develops into igneous rocks
  • volcanism- eruption of molten rocks from opening
  • lava - magma reaches the surface