80% of brain cells are formed by the age of 3 years
Physical growth
Increase in height and weight
Psycho-social development
Mental and social skills developed through interactions with the environment
Understanding the psycho-social development of a child helps identify the needs, importance of fulfilling the needs and ways of fulfilling them
The foundation of growth takes place during the prenatal and infant stages of life
A rapid physical growth is seen during the prenatal and infant stages
Muscle strength and mobility are developed with physical growth
Mental and social skills are developed through interactions with the environment
The Sri Lankan law permits a girl to get married once she completes 18 years
It is important to ascertain whether the girl has adequate physical and mental maturity before marriage
The family should be financially stable to bring up a child
Marriages between blood relatives can lead to genetic disorders in the offspring
Folic acid is very important for a woman who is planning on becoming pregnant
Sufficient folic acid levels in her body before and during pregnancy helps to prevent the baby developing brain and spinal cord abnormalities
Every girl who has completed 15 years should get the rubella vaccination to prevent getting German measles
A woman hoping to get pregnant after marriage, should plan it properly
Medical advice can be sought from health services, attending family health clinics and maternity clinics with proper planning
A girl can have an uncomplicated pregnancy and safe motherhood with proper planning
During the prenatal stage the mother should be aware of the progress of her pregnancy
The expected healthy birth weight of a baby is between 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg
If the mother does not take a balanced diet during pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies will affect the growth of the embryo
The child will have a low birth weight, be born prematurely, have suboptimal mental functions or be prone to infections if the mother does not take a balanced diet
The mother should be free of physical and mental stress during pregnancy
Other members of the family should share the household work and make the pregnant mother comfortable
The foundation for the future of the prenatal baby depends on the balanced diet taken by the mother, as well as the mother being in a good mental and social state as well as being free of diseases
Neonatal stage
The period from birth to 28 days
During the neonatal stage the baby is exposed to the new environment through the mother
The nutrients needed for the baby's physical growth are supplied through breast milk
Activities indulged in by the mother affect the baby's psycho-social development
A good mental and physical state in the mother is important for good psycho-social development of the baby
Physical needs in neonatal stage
Nutritional needs
Psycho-social needs in neonatal stage
Stimulation for mental development
Breast milk is the most important form of nutrition that can be given to a baby during the first six months of life
Importance of breast milk
All the necessary nutrients and required amount of water for the first six months can be obtained
Colostrum secreted in the first few days after birth helps protect the baby from infections and aids digestive system