Cards (12)

  • Landforms -comprises a geomorphological unit and is largely defined by its surface form and location in the landscape.
  • Waterforms / Waterway -bodies of water that are important for many reasons, but in relation to topography, water is the force behind erosion.
  • Ocean - a body of saline water that composes much of Earth’s hydrosphere.
  • Sea - smaller than oceans and usually located where the land and ocean meets.
  • Strait - a waterway that cpnnects two larger bodies.
  • Gulf - a large bay that is an arm of an ocean or sea.
  • deposition- These earth materials are then “added” to an environment or landform in a process
    1. Terrestrial Environments
    2. Transitional Environments
    3. Marine Environments
  • Terrestrial Environments -Land and water forms in this environment can be found on land and usually involve freshwater.
  • Transitional environments -represent the interface between land and sea. It is here where freshwater meets with seawater.
  • Marine Environments -These environments can be found in the open waters, from the shallow depths to the deepest portions of the ocean.
  • depositional environment