Cards (13)

  • Stratigraphy -is a branch of geology that studies rock layers, beds, or strata (singular: stratum).
  • a Catholic priest named Nicolaus Steno formulated the guiding principles of stratigraphy.
  • Law of Superposition: Younger layers sit atop older layers
  • Law of Lateral Continuity: Layers are continuous until broken up or disrupted
  • Law of Original Horizontality: Layers are deposited as flat sheets. Tilting/folding occurs later in time
  • Law of Cross-Cutting Relations: Any inclusions are younger than the layers they’re found in
  • intrusion -is an igneous rock body that forms when magma cuts through sedimentary layers and solidifies before it reaches the surface.
  • William smith -father of English geology, introduced another essential principal
  • Principle of Faunal Succession- Sedimentary strata may contain fossils of plants and animals in a definite and invariable sequence.
  • Principle of Faunal Succession.
    A) disconformity
    B) angular unconformity
    C) non comformity
  • Disconformity - This type of unconformity is present when there is a missing stratum or strata in the sequence, usually due to a period of non-deposition or erosion.
  • Nonconformity - This occurs when sedimentary strata are deposited on top of igneous or metamorphic rock bodies
  • Angular unconformity -When strata are disturbed by forces that cause folding, tilting, and/or faulting, they no longer appear horizontal.