sociological explanations

Cards (12)

  • lea and young

    left realists
    crime is a product of relative deprivation, subculture and marginalisation
  • relative deprivation
    Relative deprivation refers to a perception of being deprived of something
  • marginalisation
    The social process of becoming or being isolated and left out
  • subculture
    A group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations
  • utilitarian crime
    Crime committed for material gain, e.g. theft and fraud
  • non-utilitarian crime
    Crime or deviance with no material gain, e.g. vandalism, truancy, fighting
  • Gilroy - myth of black criminality 

    • neo-marxist
    • argue ethnic minorities commit no more crime than others
    • due to racist stereotypes they are targeted more
  • hall et al - black mugger 

    • Neo-Marxist
    • argue that through the media, the bourgeoisie have used moral panics about ethnic minorities, leading to racial tensions
    • 70s saw moral panic over black 'muggers' - led to labelling, demonising young black men
    • divide and rule - suggest ruling class use racism as a tool to divide the proletariat, prevent revolution against bourgeoisie
  • Fitzgerald et al - street robbery 

    • examine the role of neighbourhood factors in explaining involvement of black youths in street robbery
    • found both black and white people from poor areas were more likely to commit crime
  • holdaway- canteen culture
    • claimed that many officers held prejudicial thoughts about members of the African carribbean community
    • often told negative stories and shared derogatory jokes
  • Moynihan - family structures
    • right realist
    • claim main cause behind ethnic minority crime is poor socialisation caused by ineffective family structures
    • e.g single parent families
  • sewell - absent of fathers
    • found 57% of Black Caribbean families with dependent children were headed by a single parent
    • many young black boys grow up without father figure
    • leads them to lacking in 'tough love'
    • turning to criminal subcultures to fulfil that role