
Cards (10)

  • racist victimisation
    when an individual is selected as a target because of their race, ethnicity or religion
    e.g macpherson report, Central Park 5
    leads to miscarriage of justice
  • sources of racial victimisation
    1. victim surveys e.g CSEW
    2. Police recorded statistics
  • CSEW (2019/20) found that black people were more likely than white people to be victims of violent crimes
  • 2019/20
    • 76,000 race hate crime
    • 6,800 religious hate crimes
  • unreported crimes
    • most incidents go unreported
    • CSEW estimates there were actually 104,000 racial hate crimes
  • Sampson and phillips
    • state racist victimisation tends to be ongoing over time
  • CSEW shows that people from Mixed ethnic backgrounds had a higher risk (20%) of becoming a victim of crime
    Black (14%), White (13%) or Asian (13%)
  • responses to victimisation
    • minority ethnic groups often been active in responding to victimisation
    • e.g fireproof doors, self-defence campaigns
  • Minorities are more likely to be victims of crime, while being both over-policed and under-protected.
  • macpherson report 1999
    • concluded that death of Stephen Lawrence was due to a combination of police incompetence, institutional racism and failure of leadership from senior officers