CSEW (2019/20) found that black people were more likely than white people to be victims of violent crimes
76,000 race hate crime
6,800 religious hate crimes
unreported crimes
most incidents go unreported
CSEW estimates there were actually 104,000 racial hate crimes
Sampson and phillips
state racist victimisation tends to be ongoing over time
CSEW shows that people from Mixed ethnic backgrounds had a higher risk (20%) of becoming a victim of crime
Black (14%), White (13%) or Asian (13%)
responses to victimisation
minority ethnic groups often been active in responding to victimisation
e.g fireproof doors, self-defence campaigns
Minorities are more likely to be victims of crime, while being both over-policed and under-protected.
macpherson report 1999
concluded that death of Stephen Lawrence was due to a combination of police incompetence, institutional racism and failure of leadership from senior officers