Cards (2)

    1. benzenes delocalised electrons contribute to its stability and make it less reactive compared to cyclohexene, which has localised double bonds. this supports the delocalised model
    2. both the delocalised model and kekule model predict a planar hexagonal structure. this statement doesnt support
    3. it is less exothermic indicating greater stability due to delocalisation not more exothermic. this statement doesnt support
  • purification:
    1. recrystallisation 
    2. dissolve solid in minimal amount of hot solvent 
    3. cool solution and filter solid 
    4. wash with cool solvent 
    percentage yield:
    4.97/122 = 0.0407 mol of benzoic acid 
    4.85/167 = 0.0290 mol of 3-nitrobenzoic acid
    0.0290/0.0407 x100 = 71.3% 
    melting point test compare to known values to check purity