Cards (15)

  • Core Practical 12
    Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction, to include Q10
  • Factors affecting rate of enzyme-catalysed reaction
    • Temperature
    • pH
    • Concentration of substrate
    • Concentration of enzyme
  • Determining effect of factors
    1. Changing a single variable
    2. Measuring its effect on rate of reaction
    3. Keeping all other variables constant
  • Initial rate of reaction
    Measured because rate of enzyme-controlled reaction is high, as enzymes act as biological catalysts, so concentration of reactants changes rapidly
  • Initial rate is the only point during the reaction when concentration of reactants and products is known
  • Temperature coefficient (Q10)

    Indicates the change in rate of reaction caused by a 10 degree increase in temperature, calculated by dividing rate of reaction at temperature T + 10 degrees by rate of reaction at temperature T
  • Q10 can only be used up to optimum temperature
  • Q10 for catalase is about 2, the rate doubles for every 10 degree increase
  • Equipment
    • Water bath
    • Boiling tube
    • Bung
    • Soaked peas
    • Hydrogen peroxide solution
    • Delivery tube
    • Gas syringe
    • Stop clock
    • Mortar and pestle
  • Method
    1. Grind a known mass of peas in distilled water
    2. Add 5cm of hydrogen peroxide solution to the peas
    3. Fit the syringe into a delivery tube and the delivery tube into the boiling tube with a bung
    4. Place the boiling tube into a water bath at a known temperature
    5. Time for a set length of time e.g. 5 minutes, measure the volume of gas produced at regular intervals e.g. 30 seconds
    6. Repeat the experiment at different temperatures
  • Hazards
    • Biohazard contamination
    • Broken glass
    • Hot liquids
    • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Safety precautions
    • Use disinfectant, wash hands with soap after handling
    • Take care when handling glassware, keep away from edge of desk
    • Handle with care, use tongs to remove boiling tubes from water bath, wear eye protection, keep away from edge of desk
    • Wear eye protection, avoid contact with skin
  • In emergency
    • Seek assistance
    • Elevate cuts, apply pressure, do not remove glass from wound, seek medical assistance
    • Run burn under cold water, seek medical assistance
    • Wash off skin immediately, flood eye/cuts with cold water
  • Graph
    Plot a graph of temperature against ethanol concentration/temperature
  • Conclusion
    1. Rate can be calculated by dividing volume of gas produced by time
    2. Q10 can be calculated by dividing rate at T+10 degrees by rate at T degrees