Cards (13)

  • Imago Dei: The belief that God created humans in his image and likeness.
  • Ex Nihilo: God created the world from nothing, out of nothing.
  • Genesis: The first book of the Bible, which tells the story of the creation of the world and the origins of humanity.
  • In the beginning, God created the universe. The Earth was just an empty ocean of darkness
  • On the first day, God said "Let there be light". He created day and night
  • On the second day, God said "Let there be a space to separate the heaven from the earth" He created the sky and the sea
  • On the third day, God said "Let dry land appear where water has been gathered together" He made plants grow on the land
  • On the fourth day, God said "Let there be lights in the sky to show the time and seasons" He created the sun, moon and stars
  • On the fifth day, God said "Let birds fly above the earth and let fish swim below it"
  • On the sixth day, God said "Let the Earth make every sort of animal" He created animals. Then, he said"Let us make beings in our image." He created Adam and Eve
  • Liberal Christians believe that God's word can be found through reason and science as well as religious texts
  • Literal Christians believe that the Bible is the literal word of God and should be taken literally.
  • On the seventh day, God rested