Cards (4)

  • Ends the opportunities for the corrupt use of donations often known as cash for honours. Some donors give money in the expectation that they are granted an honour or access to decision making examplE- 4 wealthy businessmen who sent secret loans to Blair nominated them to be peergaes in the HOL in return
  • End the possibility of hidden forms of influence through funding as organisations and companies often deny they are seeking political advantage exampl- 1 million donation from F1 boss Bernie eccelstone beifre 1997 election he appeared to influence labour to ban tobacoo advertising as labour initially exempted this sport from the ban
  • Reduce the huge financial advantage that large parties enjoy and give smaller parties this opportunity to make progress in the run up of elections as smaller parties rely on loans which could put their ability to work successfully at tisk
  • It will improve democracy by ensuring wider participation from groups that have no ready source of funds