Cuticle: the waxy layer that prevents water loss from the top of the leaf
Upper/Lower Epidermis: transparent cell that allows sunlight to pass through to the palisade cell
Palisade mesophyll: is found at the top of the cell and contains many chloroplasts that absorb sunlight.
Spongy Mesophyll: contains air spaces which allow gases (carbon dioxide) to diffuse into the cells, where photosynthesis takes place.
Xylem: transport water and minerals upwards from roots to leaves.
Vascular bundles: contain xylem and phloem tissue, transporting water and nutrients around the plant.
Phloem: transport sugarsdownward from leaves to other parts of plant.
Stomata: little holes that open and close to allow the gaseousexchange to occur. The stomata are close to prevent water loss and open to letting gases in and out. When guard cells lose water, the stoma closes (at night), while the stoma opens when guard cells gain water & swell (during the day).
Guard Cells: control the opening and closing of stomata
• Converted into starch molecules which act
as an effective energy store
• Converted into cellulose to build cell walls
• Glucose can be used in respiration to
provide energy
• Converted to sucrose for transport in the
• As nectar to attract insects for pollination
•Plants can also convert the carbohydrates
made into lipids for an energy source in seeds and