Henry VII

Cards (51)

  • When was the Battle of Bosworth
  • How many of Richard's men were Stanley men?
    4,000 out of 12,000
  • Who killed Richard?
    Stanley Army
  • Role of Northumberland?

    Didn't fight
  • Richard's mistakes?
    Didn't react to HVII's invasion, fought on top of Ambien Hill, trusted Stanley and Northumberland
  • Positive results for HVII?
    Became King, got rid of potential rivals, divine right to rule, influential figures killed e.g John Howard, has support from majority of nobility
  • Negative results for HVII?
    Some influential figures e.g Francis Lovell, Staffords, nobility may betray HVII like they did Richard
  • How did HVII secure the throne?
    Coronation, Parliament, Marriage, Rewards and Punishments, Respect for monarchy, Small family, treatment of yorkists
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Coronation
    30/10/1485, divine right to rule
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Parliament
    7/11/1485, said HVII became king day before BoB so all opposition were traitors, overturned titulus regius
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Marriage
    Married Elizabeth of York January 1486, United Houses of York and Lanccaster, had Arthur September 1486
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Rewards and Punishments
    Gave supporters land and titles e.g Jasper Tudor made Duke of Bedford, took land away from opponents so maintained crown lands
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Treatment of Yorkists
    1486: Staffords tried to raise rebellion but failed to gain support, HVII removed them from sanctuary and murdered Humphrey Stafford
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Respect for Monarchy
    1485: HoC and HoL took oath not to obtain men illegally
    1486: HVII progressed to Midlands and North
    1486: Act of Resumption, HVII to take back any crown lands given out before 1455
  • How did HVII secure the throne?: Small family
    HVII only child and spent childhood in exile, less people to reward so King retained wealth
  • Who had a claim to the throne?
    John De La Pole: Heir presumptive, put in HVII's council
    Earl of Warwick: RIII's nephew, put in tower
    Richard and Edward: Edward IV's sons, disappeared
  • Who did Lambert Simnel pretend to be?
    Earl of Warwick
  • Why did Simnel fail to convince people he was Earl of Warwick?
    HVII produced real prince from tower
  • Who led the Simnel rebellion?
    Francis Lovell and John De La Pole
  • Where was Simnel crowned King?
  • Simnel invasion?
    Invaded from north with 2,000 German Mercenaries, Henry Percy did nothing to stop invasion
  • Actions HVII took against Simnel
    Ordered coasts to be guarded, moved northwards and westwards, adopted Kenilworth Castle as base
  • When was the Battle of Stoke?
  • Results of Battle of Stoke?
    HVII won, John De La Pole killed, Francis Lovell disappeared, Simnel captured
  • Simnel: significant threat?
    Others might do the same, used Heir Presumptive, reflected problems of loyalty to HVII, yorkist opposition had overseas support
  • Simnel: limited threat?
    Simnel only short term threat, HVII won Battle of Stoke, Heir Presumptive killed, Lovell gone
  • Why didn't Simnel gain much support?
    English put of by Irish Army, Gentry didn't trust Lovell, rebels moved too quickly, people wanted peace
  • Acts of Attainder
    Using parliament to delcare someone guilty without trial, all estates could be confiscated
  • How many Acts of Attainder did HVII pass?
  • Court of Star Chamber
    Legal court used to hear cases that difficult to get fair trial
  • Warbeck: When and where did he start campaign?
    1491 in Ireland, failed to gain support
  • Warbeck: When and Where did he go after Ireland
    1492 to France, initially got support but then HVII settled diferences with Charles
  • Warbeck: When and where after France?
    1492 to Burgundy, got support from Maragret of Burgundy
  • Warbeck: first invasion?
    1495, failed due to weather and landing at Deal
  • Warbeck: second invasion?
    1496, with support from James IV but failed to get English support
  • Warbeck: Cornwall?
    1497, planned to capitalise on rebellion in Cornwall but HVII already won in Blackheath
  • Warbeck: Significant threat?

    Long lasting, HVII still vulnerable abroad, successful invasion
  • Warbeck: limited threat?
    HVII's stern response to Stanley and Marquis of Dorset put others off, Royal army more powerful, never forced HVII into battle, HVII secured dynasty
  • Treaty with Spain
    1489, Treaty of Medino Del Campo, Spain and England not to support enemies and marriage alliance Catherine of Aragon and Arthur
  • How many nobles did HVII put under financial control?
    36/62 1485-1506