A tradition that allowed landlords to use their tenants' lands and the common land to graze sheep. Led to tenants enclosing their arable lands to protect them from their landlord's sheep
Rebels angrily refusing pardons, Led army and Italian Mercenaries, arrived in Norwich and offered pardon but only 20 accepted, rebels attacked Norwich again, Northampton forced to withdraw
Wanted to abolish roles of Escheater and Feodary, every corrupt officer to pay 4p for duration of rebellion, local officials to be chosen by people, Article 16: free all bondmen
Realised rebellion could lead to fall of Somerset, had personal links Kett was his tenant, army were strong and successful, made men take oath to destroy rebellion
Respected by local community, charismatic, managed to organise 16,000 men, Oak of Reformation, was not a military man, panicked and moved to Dussindale
Norfolk arrested in 1546 so couldn't defend the region, Real threat to gov and structure, rebellion large, Gov resources stretched, rebels saw off professional army, gentry lacked leadership