Power and development

Cards (67)

  • Types of state
    • Democratic
    • Semi-democratic
    • Non-democratic
    • Authoritarian
  • Democratic
    • Free, regular, fair elections and governments are accountable
    • Value liberal rights and freedoms
  • Semi-democratic
    • Superficial democracy as it has underlying authoritarian features
    • Government does not willingly relinquish power
  • Non-democratic
    • Authoritarian and autocratic in some respects
    • Power is concentrated to one or very few people
    • Dislike dissent
  • Authoritarian
    • Power concentrated to a single unelected person or party and power is often hereditary
  • Does Democracy promote peace?
    • Yes: Enhances political development and empowers population
    • People are less likely to rebel
    • Complements capitalism so enhances development
    • Bring peace to the international system
  • Does Democracy promote peace?

    • No: Not one size fits all – dictators can be beneficial if strong in leadership
    • Developing countries benefit from strong state control to avoid conflict
    • Democratic elections have resulted in electoral violence
    • Western liberals assume democracy is best – imperial POV
    • If implemented early, democracy can be unsustainable (requires strong economy)
  • Changing of power over time
    • Colonial powers – UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium
    • Prior to WW1 there were the great powers (with significant hard powers), UK, France, Austro-Hungary
    • Inter war period – Germany, fascist italy, nazi germany
    • WW2 – victors (P5)
    • Balance tipped during the Cold War also where there were two clear superpowers US and Russia, (western capitalism vs eastern communism)
    • Emerging powers -China
  • Great powers

    • State with significant military and economic power
    • Lead IGOs
    • Influential in foreign policy
  • Regional power
    State that possesses characteristics of great power but can influence anywhere in the world through technology and nuclear power
  • Emerging power
    • State that has started to acquire great power status yet has not met all the criteria
    • Usually a state that is growing rapidly and industrialised
  • Great Powers
    • UK
    • China
    • France
  • Emerging Powers
    • Brazil
    • Russia
    • India
  • Polarity
    The way in which power is distributed through an international system into one of the three types: Unipolarity, Bipolarity, Multipolarity
  • Unipolarity
    One hegemonic state possesses all capability and power
  • Bipolarity
    Two competing poles of power that are evenly matched
  • Multipolarity
    Multiple states compete with one another and wield equal influence
  • The Cold War lasted from March 1947 to December 1991
  • The Cold War
    • Two key powers evenly matched (USSR and USA)
    • UN became pretty redundant due to P5 veto
    • Each power had military alliances (US and NATO, USSR and Warsaw Pact)
    • 1962Cuban Missile Crisis was the most unstable point
    • 1986 Reykjavik Summit reduced tensions
    • US sanctioned cuba leading to huge poverty
  • Realist view on bipolar worlds
    • Promotes peace as two evenly matched powers ensure nobody dominates
    • Both had limits on what they could and could not achieve
    • If one could have achieved more this would risk a World War and so a bipolar system maintained a safe balance
  • Liberal view on bipolar worlds
    • Dangerous because both powers were advancing their own interests and military capabilities
    • The war did not create stability and peace as there was constant suspense and antagonism
    • There was very real risk of nuclear war
  • The Cold War ended in 1991 when the USSR was dissolved and 15 new states were created
  • Factors contributing to the end of the Cold War
    • Economic pressure of US capitalism was harsh competition
    • When communists sought to overthrow the govt, Yeltsin lead a nationalist opposition and defeated the coup, declared russian independence and the USSR was dissolved in 1991
  • Hegemony of the USA
    • YES: Latest economy in the world ($20.8 trillion)
    • USD is main currency
    • Has structural power in IGOs
    • Population of 439m in 2050
    • Lots of soft power through shows and corporate brands
    • Globalisation known as Americanisation
    • World's largest military budget ($778bn) and largest defence spender (38% of global military spending)
    • US navy is bigger than the next 13 navies combined
    • 11 aircraft carriers , UK has 2 and China has 2, Russia has 1
  • Hegemony of the USA
    • NO: China to overtake US in GDP and FDI by 2030
    • US debt to china is $1tn
    • Competition with Bretton Woods institutes such as Asian Infrastructure Bank may reduce US influence
    • Bollywood competes with Hollywood
    • Cultural dominance is less than thought – MAN U and Real Madrid
    • Controversy has damaged soft power influence – Guantanamo Bay, Waterboarding, CIA rendition, Trump, climate issues, Israel
    • China and Russia are P5 too
    • BRICS provide competition
    • China and Russia provide a challenge to US military capabilities
    • China has lots of submarines and dominate the South China Sea
    • Russia has the world's most lethal Nuclear Weapon (RS-28 Sarmat) — travel 10k km
  • Realist view on US unipolarity
    • Rise of US hegemony creates a new form of stability (international anarchy creates instability), so to have a clear leader to dominate creates a stable world (hegemonic stability)
    • Some realists like Kenneth Waltz argue unipolar can be unstable as it can create resentment (WW1 as a response to the German attempt to challenge hegemonic British empire)
    • Chomsky argues it leads to a lack of constraints on behaviour and may go rogue
  • Liberal view on US unipolarity
    • Rise of US hegemony as the spread of western ideas like democracy
    • Liberals very much believe that there would be more stability if there was a diffusion of power (Multipolar!)
  • Multipolarity
    • No one power can be a hegemony
    • Evenly distributed power through regionalism or IGOs
    • Global brands challenge US brands through free market liberalism
    • Militarily China and Russia are developing
    • Afghanistan and Iraq showed limits of US military
    • BRICS are increasingly powerful
    • Globalisation is not just American and global civil society is increasingly cosmopolitan
  • Realist view on multipolarity
    • Mearsheimer argues that multipolarity demonstrates instability as power is fluid and constantly shifting and the number of evenly matched states are increasing
    • Creates fear for those involved and generates more conflict, and the possibility of increased regional conflict too
  • Liberal view on multipolarity
    • Believe that multipolarity is the best option for peace and security as it can promote cooperation in multilateral systems of governance
    • Liberals also assert through globalisation the world has become more multipolar and this is the time in which we have had the most peace
  • Regional bipolarity - Pakistan and India

    • Partitioned in 1947
    • Refugee crisis
    • Speak a common language and have large Hindu and Muslim populations
    • Conflict over Kashmirregional issues
  • Regional bipolarity - Iran and Saudi Arabia
    • Hold power in the Middle East and compete in a regional bipolarity
    • Never declared war on each other but fought through proxy in Iran, Syria, and Iraq
    • Iran supported Syria regime on religious grounds but Saudi supported the rebel groups
    • Large oil reserves and wealth
    • Saudi has Sunni Muslim population whereas Iran has Shia Muslim population
    Emerging economies of the countries created by Goldman Sachs
    1. Met annually since 2009
    2. Initially the grouping was controversial (no african countries originally)
    3. Believes they will be dominant economies by 2050
    • 25% of land
    • 40% of world population
    • GDP of 20$ trillion
    • Received FDI and have lots of debt
  • South Africa
    Introduced later – biggest and most powerful state within the African Union and needed to add african countries
  • MINT
    Also created by Jim O'Neill
  • MINT
    • Mexico
    • Indonesia
    • Nigeria
    • Turkey
  • MINT
    • Dramatic growth
  • Mexico
    • Car manufacturing
    • 14th biggest labor force in the world