Climate change

Cards (7)

  • Evidence of climate change:
    • Tree rings - each rings represents a year of growth, so wide ring = warm and lots of growth
    • Ice cores - ice is drilled and samples are collected, layers of snowfall are able to trap oxygen, which can be used to estimate temperatures
    • Melting ice
    • Sea level rise
    • Seasonal change - for example birds nesting earlier
    • Temperature records
  • Natural causes of climate change:
    • Orbital change
    • Volcanic activity
    • Solar output
  • Human causes of climate change:
    • Fossil fuels
    • Agriculture
    • Deforestation
  • Orbital change as a cause of climate change:
    ~Milutin Milankovich was a Serbian Geophysicist and astronomer who came up when these theories:
    1. Eccentricity
    • earths orbit isn't fixed
    • changes from circular to ellipse every 100,000 years
    • closer to sun = hotter
    2. Axial Tilt
    • earth spins on axis, normally is 23.5 degrees
    • this can change from 21.5 to 24.5 degrees, every 41,000 years
    • closer to sun = hotter
    3. Precession
    • earth wobbles a bit
    • this cycle takes 26,000 years
  • Impacts of climate change:
    ~Environmental impacts~
    • Sea level rise
    • Habitat destruction
    • Extreme weather

    ~Social impacts~
    • Health (heatstroke & more malaria - as there will be more breeding ground for mosquitoes)
    • Water & Food shortages
    • Migration
  • Ways to mitigate (stop the cuase) climate change:
    • Alternative energy
    • Carbon capture
    • Planting trees
    • International agreements
  • Ways to adapt to climate change:
    • Managing water supply
    • Change in agriculture systems
    • Reducing risk from rising sea levels (mangroves, house of stilts, seawalls)