1. How quickly the reaction is using up the reactants
2. How quickly it is making products
Calculations to work out the rate
An amount of one of the chemicals divided by the time that it takes to either make it or use it up
Interpreting rate graphs
The gradient or steepness of the graph can be used to tell you the rate of the reaction
A steeper gradient indicates a faster rate
Constant rate graphs
The gradient isn't changing
Curved rate graphs
The rate is changing, it's faster at the start and gradually slows down
Calculating the rate from a curved graph
1. Calculate the gradient at the start and end to get an overall or mean rate
2. Draw tangents to calculate the rate at a particular time
Collision theory
Chemical reactions only happen when the reacting particles collide with each other, and they need sufficient energy (activation energy)
Ways to speed up the rate of reaction
Increase pressure
Increase concentration
Increase surface area
Increase temperature
Add a catalyst
Increasing pressure
More particles in the same space, so they collide more frequently
Increasing concentration
More particles in the same space, so they collide more frequently
Increasing surface area
More surface area for the same amount of stuff, so more collisions
Increasing temperature
Particles have more energy and move faster, so they collide more frequently
More particles have enough energy to reach the activation energy
Chemicals that speed up the rate of reaction without being used up or changed themselves, they provide an alternative pathway with lower activation energy
Enzymes are an example of a biological catalyst
Heat is not a catalyst, it has to be a chemical
Measuring the rate by collecting gas
1. Use an upturned measuring cylinder or a gas syringe
2. Take readings at regular time intervals
Measuring the rate by turbidity
Time how long it takes for a cross on paper to disappear as a solid precipitate forms
Reversible reactions have a double-headed arrow between reactants and products
The point where the forward and backward reactions are happening at the same rate, so the concentrations stop changing
Le Chatelier's principle
If a system at equilibrium is disturbed, it will shift to counteract the change
Adding a reactant
The system will shift to remove it
Heating a reaction
The system will shift to cool it down
Increasing pressure
The system will shift towards the side with fewer gas molecules
Decreasing pressure
The system will shift towards the side with more gas molecules
For a reversible reaction, if the forward reaction is endothermic, the backward reaction must be exothermic
Le Chatelier's principle tells me
The system will shift to counteract that change and increase the pressure so it's going to move the equilibrium towards the higher pressure side which here is my reactants
The backward reaction is favored
Because there are more molecules on the left
The equilibrium will shift to the left
Therefore the yield of sulfur trioxide will be lower
If we heat up a reaction at equilibrium
The system will shift to try to cool it back down again by favoring the endothermic reaction
The forward reaction is endothermic
The forward reaction is favored
Because that is what will cool my reaction back down
The equilibrium shifts to the right
Therefore what I will see or observe is that my mixture will turn white
Crude oil is a finite resource which means that it's going to run out
Crude oil is found in rocks and made from the remains of ancient biomass which is mainly plankton that was buried in sediment
Crude oil
A mixture of hydrocarbons, compounds made of hydrogen and carbon only
A type of hydrocarbon found in crude oil
Homologous series
A group of compounds that have similar chemical properties because they have the same functional group and the same general formula
First four alkanes
They are small covalent molecules
The larger the molecule, the stronger the intermolecular forces
The larger the molecule, the higher the boiling point