10 Forests and Forest Land Resources, Part 2

Cards (8)

  • Sustainable Forestry
    • From the perspective of the landowner or the concession holder
    • When to harvest
    • When to replant
    • When to convert
    • Efficiency only sometimes results in sustainable outcomes; some are inequitable
    • Sustainable outcomes:
    • When forests are protected, such that perpetual harvest is feasible
    • Limit harvests to growth or economic sustained yield, maintaining the asset value (of the standing forest)
    • One approach: plantation forestry
    • Challenge: resilience can weaken in large plantation areas
    • Biodiversity can be compromised
  • Public policy approaches
    • Concessionaires should pay the total cost for their rights to harvest publicly controlled lands, including compensating for damage to the forests surrounding the trees and areas of interest.
    • Voluntary resettlement: The amount of land transferred to squatters should not be a multiple of the cleared forest's amount.
    • The rights of indigenous peoples should be respected.
    • Enlisting the power of consumers in the cause of sustainable forestry. Establish of standards, certifiers, certificates. Forest Stewardship Council Certificates
  • External costs that transcend national boundaries
    • Biodiversity: migratory species and gene pools
    • biodiversity offsets;
    • International conventions: e.g. Ramsar-wetlands
    • Royalty payments by pharmaceuticals
    • Climate change damage:
    • IPCC, carbon credits, carbon markets, National Determined Contribution
    • Loss and Damage issues
    • Cross-boundary siltation payments by source country
    • Acid rain; Transport of Hazardous substances (Basel convention)
    • Poverty, ecological decline, political conflict and migration: direct assistance; Debt for nature swap
    • Conservation easements and land trusts
  • Quiz: Biodiversity offsets
    A) Jurong Island
    B) Hydroelectric Dam
  • Quiz: International conventions to address cross-boundary externalities
    A) Framework Convention
    B) Biological Diversity
  • Quiz: Carbon credits paid for by bilateral agreements
    A) Japan-Cambodia
    B) Green and Sustainable
  • Quiz: Carbon Markets
    A) EU
    B) UK ETS
  • Quiz: Debt for nature swap
    A) Philippines
    B) Indonesia