Used by people to communicate through online, such as apps or websites
Online collaboration
Enables users to meet together in virtual space and collaborate with each other on any topic, discussion, or ideas
Web Conference
Provides liveaudio and video between two or more people in different locations for the purpose of meetings, presentations, and trainings
Web Portal
A website that containsinformation from different sources and places them in one location
EDSA UNO or People powerrevolution - Radio broadcast was used as an ICT medium
EDSA DOS - fueled after 11prosecutes of then President Joseph Estrada
Million people march - series of protests that mainly took place in Lunetapark
Yolanda people finder - tool for people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives
Means doing or taking some actions or giving support to an idea and influenceothers to create change
Examples of Advocacy in social media
Post itforward
The SML project
Post it forward
To break down silos of cyberbullying, bodyshaming, and issues related to sexuality
The SML project
Advocacy campaign which aims to counter hate speech as well as raiseawareness on responsible social media use through citizen journalism
Sample model of a product or representation of a design concept which is used to communicate or test the concept, process, or design
Helps creator avoids wasting of energy, time, and money when implementingweak or inappropriate solutions
Low fidelity prototype
Refers to paper prototype such as stickynotes and sketches that is ideal for brainstorming
High fidelity (Hi-fi) prototype
Refers to a prototype that almost represent the final product
Partial functionality
May project na pero kailangan pa rin ayusin ang bugs or errors
Complete functionality
It means pwede na gamitin ng user ang ginawang project kasi complete nga
The three C's
Process of sharing and exchanging of thoughts and ideas
A situation wherein two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing
Continuous communication and collaboration to create a concept that achieves the goal of your ICTproject
Concept paper
A one- totwo-page written document describing an ideafor a project
SMART Criteria
Concept paper can be used to develop potential solutions or investigations into project ideas, to serve as the foundation of a full proposal, to interest potential funders, and to determine whether a project idea isfundable
Five Elements of Concept Paper
Project Description
Brief introduction of your project/campaign and introduction of your partners/sponsor
Includes the reason why the project is worth yoursponsor's time, money, and effort
Project Description
Addresses the unique, unusual, distinctive, innovative, and/or novel aspects of the approach, showing why the team has the bestsolution and presenting a compelling case for funding
Contains the budgetneeded for the project and a briefdiscussion of how that amount will be used
Includes information on how the group can becontacted
Bawal external funds o bawal ang may sobra sa budget
Designing and Copywriting for ICT Projects
Splitparagraphs into shorter
Splitcomplex sentence
Split paragraphs
Summarize long sentences
Complex sentence
Combine two sentences using a conjunction
Highlight keywords
Words to remember when reviewing the content
Additional info to the title
Phases of group discussion/report
Planning phase
Analysis and requirementdefinition phase
Design phase
Testing phase
Release and promotion phase
Maintenance phase
Planning phase
Involves conceptualizing the project, determining thegoals, and analyzing the information available
Analysis and requirement definition phase
Focuses on analyzing the function, project requirements, target users, and impact of proposed project