Types of zones

Cards (7)

  • Four components of a central business district
    High building density
    Pedestrianised areas
    High Street shops
  • Four components of pedestrianised areas
    No vehicles allowed except delivery vehicles
    Seating provided
    Landscaping such as flowerbeds
    Paving not roads
  • Four components of zones of affluence (wealth)
    Large houses
    High house prices
  • Four components of zones of deprivation
    Low house/rent prices
    Poor environmental quality e.g graffiti
    Tower blocks
  • Four components of zones undergoing rapid regeneration
    Changing the urban landscape from one thing to another e.g industrial sites to museums
    Improving environmental quality
    Attracting tourists or residents
  • Four components of zones where multicultural communities thrive
    Different types of shops and services e.g polish supermarkets
    Different places of worship e.g mosque
    Different religious groups
    Different ethnic backgrounds
  • One advantage and one disadvantage of creating pedestrianised zones in a city centre
    Advantage: safer for pedestrians because of no traffic
    Disadvantage: shoppers may not be able to park near shops, so they have to carry heavy shopping longer distances