5.7-5.8 Civil War

Cards (10)

  • When was the Civil War?
  • • Union (northern states):
    -> New York
    -> Ohio
    -> Kansas
    -> California
    -> Mississippi
    -> Texas
    -> Alabama
  • What were some reasons for the Civil War?
    • in 1850 - Northern population was increasing
    -> meaning more political power
    1850 Compromise
    -> law meant that non-slave states had to return escaped slaves to owners in return of California being non-slave state
    Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 - meant states could decide if they were a non-slave or slave state - overrode Missouri Compromise
    • in 1857, Supreme Court - enslaved people have no rights
    • 1860 - Abraham Lincoln elected, republican - anti-slavery
  • How did Lincoln's election trigger war?
    • South Carolina voted to leave USA in protest to election
    • Other states followed: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas
    -> formed the Confederacy
    • 4th of March 1861 Licoln said the Confederacy was illegal
    12 April Davis (Confederacy president) opened fire on Fort Sumter - a union fort in South Carolina
    15th April Lincoln declared war - would defend Union
  • Black American jobs during the Civil War:
    -> could get jobs
    -> not equal pay
    -> not allowed to be in charge of white workers
    -> few in professional jobs (lawyers/doctors)
    -> enslaved - could not get job or earn money
    -> very few had jobs
  • Black American housing during the Civil War:
    -> lived in poorer areas of cities
    -> higher rent
    -> professional Black Americans had better living conditions
    -> plantation housing was small and cramped
    -> disease spread easily - medical care non-existant
  • Black American education during the civil war:
    -> most schools segregated
    -> black students had access to education
    -> few universities for blacks but hard to get jobs afterwards
    -> most southern states it was illegal for blacks to learn to read or write
  • What happened for Black Americans in the period 1861-63?
    • Positive changes:
    -> South Carolina slaves freed and they set up regiments
    -> Sea Islands (off coast of South Carolina) given to formerly enslaved people
    -> Sea Island Experiments - missionaries taught formerly enslaved people how to read and write
    • Limitations
    -> Union refused to end slavery across USA
    -> some enslaved people used for hard labour for amry
    -> oppression to having black regiments
  • What happened for Black Americans in the period 1863-65?
    Positive changes:
    -> in 1863 emancipation proclamation - freed slaves in Confederate states
    -> over 200,000 could read and write by 1865
    -> former slaved became mechanics, barbers and earned money
    -> hundreds of thousands joined Union army
    -> black woman as cooks or nurses
    • Limitations:
    -> some enslaved continued to work on plantations
    -> black soldiers given worst jobs - night shifts, cleaning and ditch digging
    -> emancipation proclamation not a full constitutional ammendment
  • How were Black Americans treated in the Civil War?
    • in 1861 black tried to join the Union - not allowed
    Lincoln claimed - slavery nothing to do with Civil War
    -> solution to send black Americans 'back to Africa'
    Race riots were white Americans forced into army - blamed black
    • after 1863 black soldiers allowed to join army - not allowed to be officers or equal pay
    • many black did not volunteer - get work more easily when white soldiers away fighting - led to a huge riot in New York in 1863
    • in 1864 black soliders fought and won equal pay in army - still cannot be officers